Chapter 5: The New Boy

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Millie's P.O.V. ******************************************* When I entered the library, I was expecting to greet the librarian, Ted. Ted is a very sweet man. He's probably in his mid 30s. He has dark hair and light eyes. And a sweetheart. This was often the place I ran to last year. Anytime the other kids followed me in here, Ted would make them leave. Library rules for being quiet and all. I was extremely thankful to him. Eventually, Ted became a mentor to me, much like Mrs. Gibbson. He's the reason why I have read most of the books on the AP English reading list. Back to the present, Ted is not behind the desk like he normally is. I looked around but didn't see him. Shrugging, I went and took a seat at one of the desks. The library is completely empty, thank God. I had just pulled out my books to do some homework when I heard voices coming from behind me. "This should be everything that the five of you will need," Ted said. "Are you sure that the others can't come to get their own books? This is a lot for you to carry all by yourself." Is he talking to someone? "It's really not a problem." Came a deep and polite voice. "I can make a few trips if I need to, and I have my own car. The others can pick them up from me. They are all pretty busy today." I couldn't help it. I turned in my chair to see Ted and a boy that I'd never seen before come through a row of books behind me. I gulped. Wow, he is hot. He's tall, like 6'2 probably, with golden curly hair sitting in a sexy mess on top of his head. The boy has those old-timey glasses, like the ones Jeffrey Dahmer wore that are now popular. He's lean with a bit of muscle. He's wearing a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt with some kind of anime on it. His ears are pierced, and I think I can see one of those industrial bars, but I'm not sure with his mass of curls in the way. The boy's eyes found mine, as if he could feel me staring at me. His bright hazel eyes bore into me, and I could feel heat crawl up my neck, and settle in my cheeks. The boy smiled politely at me. Ted, realizing that the boy was no longer paying him attention, followed his line of sight right to me. The librarian beamed once he saw me. "Millie my dear!" Ted greeted. "Hi Ted." I greeted back with a small smile. "You're here kind of early. You didn't finish your other class?" He asked. I looked between him and the boy. "Uhm, I was called out early." I said vaguely. Ted gave me a confused look but, thankfully, didn't push me in front of the stranger. "Well, good, maybe you can help me out," he said, and then turned to the boy. "This is Oliver, he's new here. He and a few of his friends are transferring here. They are starting Monday, but he came by to get all of their books." "Okay." I said as I looked between the two of them again. Ted chuckled. "Would you mind helping him carry these books to his car before the bell rings. I fear that the students will over run him if they see him. You know we never get newcomers here," he said. I nodded, and put my pen down. "Sure. Can you watch my stuff please?" I asked Ted. "Of course," he said, and then the office phone started to ring. "Excuse me." Oliver, stood there staring at me for a moment. Gee, no wonder those glasses are popular right now. He looks smoking hot with them. I'm sure he looks smoking hot without them too though. "Hi, I'm Oliver." He introduced himself with a bright smile. I gave him a nod. "Ted said that. So, are these all the books?" I asked as I pointed to the stack of books on the table. Oliver is already holding a pretty big stack himself. "Yeah," he replied while nodding. "You don't have to help me if you don't want to." I shook my head at him, and then looked to see Ted was now off the phone. "Ted." I called, and he looked over to me. "Why don't you let us use the cart? I know it's clean because I cleaned it off for you yesterday." I said with a smile. Ted gave me a sheepish look. "I didn't even think about that. Go ahead. I still want you to go with him though. I trust you won't let anything happen to my precious cart." He said. I shook my head as a smile spread across my face. Then I went and got the nearly empty cart out. Oliver and I stacked all the books onto it in silence, and then began wheeling it out to the student parking lot. "So, you gonna tell me your name? Ya know, since you know mine?" Oliver asked once we were outside. "Millie," I said simply. "Millie…" He repeated. "Cute name for a cute girl." My face heated. I was walking behind him, so thankfully he couldn't see my face. I wasn't being the most polite, and I knew that. It's just that I'm cautious now. Honestly, I felt a bit guilty about it. Oliver seems like such a nice guy, being friends with me would make him a target though. It was best we stayed away from each other, even if he is the hottest guy that has ever talked to me. Much hotter than James. "So, Millie, tell me, do you like it here?" Oliver asked. Oh God. "Sure," I replied. Oliver turned his head, and raised a brow at me. "You don't have to lie to me, Millie. I have to attend here whether I like it or not." He said with a chuckle. We made it to Oliver's car, which looked expensive. He opened the back door behind the driver's side, and began putting the books in. I stood there awkwardly. Should I tell him this place sucks? I don't really want to get into the details of my personal experience here. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut. Once the books were in Oliver's car, he shut the door, and turned to look at me. He leaned against the car, and smiled. "So?" He asked with his eyebrow raised. How can someone look so cocky and so smart at the same time? I sighed, and rolled my eyes. "This school sucks But it's high school. Stay away from me though, and it shouldn't be too bad," I said, and then grabbed the cart to wheel it back. I could hear Oliver chuckle behind me as I started walking back to school. "Stay away from you? I don't think so, Millie." He called out, but I ignored him. My face heated up instantly at his words, and my steps moved quicker. It took me no more than three minutes to get back to the library. The moment I got back, and sat back down, the bell rang. I could hear the hallway fill with kids, and a few of them staggered in here. I tried to focus on my homework for the whole hour, but my thoughts were consumed with the blonde boy I had just met. Why would he say that? Is he really not going to leave me alone? Does he want to bully me? Is it....something else? Why do I feel nervous and excited? Ugh! Get a grip Millie! He's just a boy, and who cares if he wants to bully you? It's not like the rest of the school hasn't. And if he wants something else... Well, I'm sure he won't once he finds out that everyone hates me. So, win-win for me. Right? When the last bell rang, I waited in the library as I finished up my homework. I was just waiting for the halls to clear more before leaving. One more question on this stupid calculus homework and I was good to go. Only, I was having trouble with it. Ugh! Calculus is going to be the death of me. "Want me to tell you the answer?" A voice came from behind me. I jumped and let out a little yelp. Ted's eyes narrowed at me and I gave him an apologetic smile. Then I turned a glare onto the voice that interrupted me. Oliver was standing behind me with a wide smile that made his hazel eyes brighter. He has a few more books tucked under his arm. I continued to glare at him. "You scared the out of me." I whisper-yelled at him. Oliver chuckled and took the seat next to me. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "You look like you need help." He told me as he pulled my book and notebook towards him. I pulled it back. "I am doing just fine thank you." I stated. Oliver raised a brow at me. "Really?" He asked, and then snatched my notebook away. "Because questions 3, 5, 10, and 18 are wrong." He stated with slight amusement. "What?" I asked seriously, and took my notebook back to look over my work. "But I followed what the book showed me…" I mumbled and then let out a loud groan before turning another glare on Oliver. "How do you know I'm wrong?" I asked. Oliver's smile widened. "Math is what I am best at. Calculus is no biggie for me." He said, and then leaned back in his chair. "But I gotta say, it's pretty hot that you're taking an AP math class." I blushed. "Wait, why is that hot?" I asked with furrowed brows. Oliver chuckled and leaned back up in his seat. "Smart girls are sexy as hell to me." He whispered in my ear. Oh no. My face has got to be as red as a tomato by now. What the hell is with this guy? I haven't even been nice to him. I turned my head ready to say something snarky, but he was so close to me that the words died on my lips. Instead, I gulped., did he hear that? "Now, would you like my help or not?" He asked, and then his eyes flickered down to my lips. I gulped again. "I.. Uhm.." Wait, what did he ask me again? I need help with something, right? Yeah, help. I need.. help... "Millie!" Called a voice that broke me from my trance. I jumped so far back I almost fell out of my chair. Thankfully, Oliver grabbed my arm to stop my fall. My breathing was coming out hard and my face was hot again. "Mr. Holmebrooke, I love your sister dearly, and I know it's her birthday, so I will let you off with a warning this time. Shhhh." Ted said to my brother who had called for me. "Sorry Ted, Millie is running late, and our parents are looking for her." Caleb said as he walked over to us. " already?" I asked as I looked at the clock. "Wait, shouldn't you be getting ready?" Caleb stopped in front of the table, and looked between Oliver and I. Oliver still had his hand around my upper arm. The heat from his body feels... so nice. Caleb narrowed his eyes at Oliver. "Who the are you?" My little brother asked. "Caleb!" I scolded him. Oliver finally let my arm go and then reached his hand out to my brother. "Hi, I'm Oliver. I'm new here. Pretty sure my friend is on the football team too. You might know him. His name is Atals," Oliver said politely. Caleb's eyes hardened at the name 'Atlas'. Oh no, that must be the guy Caleb is worried about. Still, my little brother took Oliver's hand politely. "Caleb," he stated. "And yeah, I know him. He's good." My brother said and then turned his eyes to me. "I know it's your birthday and all, but could you hurry your ass up. Mom and Dad are outside waiting for you. They want to take you out for food before the game," he said. I started to gather my things. "You aren't coming?" I asked. Caleb gave me a blank look. "I have a game to prepare for. And I'm sure we'll go out after. Not like you can't put away food." He teased me. I rolled my eyes. Caleb is right. I can put away a lot of food. In fact, I love food. If I didn't have such a good metabolism, I would be 500 pounds by now. "Wait, it's your birthday?" Oliver asked after I stood up. I slung my backpack over my shoulder. "Yeah," I said. Oliver graced me with a huge and sexy smile. "Happy birthday Millie. If I had known I was going to meet such a pretty girl today, I would have brought you a present." He said. Caleb tensed, and then grabbed my wrist. "She doesn't need anything from you, but thanks anyway." Caleb said, and then started to drag me out of the library. I looked behind me as Caleb pulled me through the door. Oliver was staring at me still with a smile on his full lips. He gave me a small wave and then I disappeared. "Did you really have to do that?" I asked Caleb once we reached my locker. Huh, no new love notes. Good. "That guy was flirting with you." Caleb said like it was a defense. I sighed. "You could have let me live in a blissful bubble for a little bit though. I'm sure once he finds out the rumors he won't want anything to do with me." I whined. "Exactly why he doesn't need to flirt with you in the first place. You've been hurt enough." Caleb said. I let out another sigh as I shut my locker. "I'm supposed to be the one protecting you, little brother." I said. Caleb beamed at me and then ruffled my hair. "Then you should be taller." He said with a laugh. I swatted his hand away and smoothed down my hair. "Whatever. I'm going to find Mom and Dad."
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