Chapter Three-2

2330 Words

“And you,” I said. “I don’t remember you, either.” All of a sudden, the girl burst into tears and slammed her face into her hands, in which she sobbed uncontrollably. I started and looked at Incantation wildly. “What’d I do?” “Offended her,” said Hopper, causing me to look at him. He was looking at me like I’d just disappointed him. “Offended one of your best and oldest friends in the world.” “But I didn’t mean to,” I said. “I just said I don’t remember her. That’s the truth.” “How could you forget Sarah?” said Hopper. “Don’t you remember her? She was there when we first met on the playground.” I thought about that, trying to see if I could remember what Hopper was talking about. I did recall seeing a girl named Sarah in my memory of my first meeting with Hopper, but the elementary sc

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