Chapter 71

1532 Words

"Time magic? Where'd you hear about that?! There's no such thing, it's a fairy tale." Bismuth said. "Don't play coy with me, I've heard from a reliable source that there was a particular switch coven that dealt with dark magic, which included time magic, and it so happens that your name was amongst that coven," Tyler said. Bismuth sighed. "Who the hell is leaking all that information? Look it's called dark magic for a reason," "So what? It's going to have some stupid consequences that affect the world somehow?" Tyler mocked her. "Yes! That's what's going to happen, look here," she took out a green crystal ball and placed it in front of us. "What exactly are we supposed to look at?" William said confused. "Tell me what events you want to change in the past?" Bismuth asked. "Are you

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