
Revenge fire from Demon queen

kickass heroine
magical world

Story is presents the revenge of a girl. After a tough life she gets his love of a life and started a beautiful life, At that time the antagonist killed lover of the protagonist.

She is not a normal girl, she is queen of the demon world. She came from far planet in distance galaxy.

This story also tells the life of high school students happy, sad and twisted life which is good to read.

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Chapter: 1 First Page
In every tree there will be the branches surrounded it. Likewise Family tree is also have a many branches which help to good things and some of the branches gets old or broken and falls.    This Family tree name is “Han”.     Each and every story start with the roots of the family, so I have to make a little different and starts with one of the branches of this family tree. And this branch is known as “Barry Han”.    I am 15 year old and studying 10th grade in high school. For every student’s life, this high school stage is very critical. We have to face it very smart and careful like doing a medical operation for critical patient.    Next after my family I have other important some people in my life and it’s my friends.    Jay and Raj are my best friends. Jay Adam was very intelligent person among others in our class. He is smart and friendly to others.    And even though he is great in all activities, he is totally weak and loser in sports.   Now, my other friend is Raj. His full name is Raj Krishnan. He is totally opposite to Jay. Raj was very active in sports and average in studies. Among us he is the one bad boy; he never listens or show mercy to others except us.   In his studies me and Jay plays a major role to make him pass above average. And he is totally famous among school girls.    And I am total loser in this high school. These two persons are only people who talks and share memories with me. Other than I am totally invisible in school without using invisible cloak.    I have no talents to show it out. But I never cared about it. I really wanted to enjoy the life just like other kids but I can’t able to do it.   Whenever I change myself and try to be friendly with others and enjoy the evening or party, it becomes nightmare for me.   Bell rings...............   “Ok the class finished now. Barry your story really nice but sad cannot able to know the end.” Teacher Shine said.   “It’s alright mam. Did I pass the test?” Barry asked.   “Yes. And tomorrow Ben you have to start the story” Shine said.    Then Teacher Shine goes out of the class. And other students also goes out and planning a party on evening.    Barry packing his bag slowly, at that time he saw down a foot stands near to him. And when he saw up it was a girl smile with shy to Barry.    She wears really cool dress which makes her world most beauty person. Her white dress and blue flowers print in her top makes more attractive to her.    “Mm...Yes, what I can do for you?” Barry asked.    “I am Jenny. I came here to invite you to my house. I am having a party. If you come there it will be nice.” Jenny said.    Barry started to say no to her but suddenly something happened to his brain. He just said to her “Yes”.    “Thanks Barry” Jenny said and moves away with big smile in her face.   Barry just stands there without any motion. He has no idea how he said yes to her. And he rewinds the incident again and again in mind.   When Barry started to say no, he just attracted by her beauty and childish smile. And can’t able to say no to her. Then he packed all his things and comes out of the class.    Barry decided to go and meet Jay and Raj to say about the girl. At that time he realized he can’t able to remember the name of the girl.   So he stopped and turned back to class side. And he started to search the girl all around. But he can’t able to find her.   Barry was sad and walks slowly to ground. At that time Raj calls Barry from the ground loudly. He was practicing football for coming event.   So Barry started to run towards ground and suddenly Jenny hits Barry and both fall down. They both got hurt little bad.   After Barry saw her he just stunned.   “Can’t you help me?” Jenny asked.   By watching all this, Raj ran over there and he helped her to stand. “I am sorry just because of me he hits you” Raj said.    “No it’s my fault. I have to look forward. It’s ok alright” Jenny said.    Barry just standing and watching it all, he has no idea what to do now. But in mind he wants to ask her name loud.   “Why are you standing like in parade Barry?” Jenny asked.    “He won’t talk much to other. I am Raj and how you know my best friend?” Raj asked.    “Sorry! My name is Jenny and I just met Barry inside the class”.   “I invited him to my evening party” Jenny said and smiled at Barry as same in class.   “Oh party it’s nice my other friend Jay will be happy if he know this. But Barry, he is not the type of person who goes to party” Raj said.   “Oh but he already said yes to me Raj” Jenny said.   “Yes, I said that why I came her Raj to tell you about this” Barry said.    “Ok I have to go no time for preparation. See you in party guys bye” Jenny said and moving out slowly.    Suddenly Barry shouts “Jenny wait a minute”.    Jenny stops and smiles happily, then turned around. Barry was coming near to her.    “If the preparation of this party hard can I help you?” Barry asked.    “It’s nice Barry I can use a helping hand. Can we go in my car” Jenny said.     What just happened, is it really Barry? Raj says to himself.     Barry and Jenny were goes to the parking area. She takes her car key out and he shock to see it. Jenny has a latest Audi series car.    “Wow Jenny really it is your car?” Barry asked.    “Yes Barry did you love it?” Jenny asked.    “Yes...I really love it” Barry said.   While talking, some guys came near to the car and one person asked to Jenny “Cute baby, the car is really just same as you. Can I drive it” and the gang starts to laugh.    Barry moved to fight with them, but she stops him. And the gang again laugh at them.   “What’s the name of you i***t?” Jenny asked.   “Alex baby, what you attracted to me?” Alex said.   “No, it’s last time for you to tease others Alex and be careful” Jenny said. Barry was there and don’t know what Jenny was talking about to him.   “Come in Barry we go now” Jenny said.   And Alex was just stood there without saying anything. Barry was confused to see but other side he was happy to see her face and being with her.   Then Jenny and Barry were goes out from the place but still Alex was just standing there without any movements. His friends all started to freak out. And suddenly he back normal.    One of his friend asked to him what happened but Alex was not able to talk. He tries to speak but not sound comes out from his mouth.    All his friends freaked out and some of them ran to get car to get him to hospital.    “I don’t know you were so brave Jenny” Barry said.    “Thanks Barry” Jenny said with that cute smile in her face.    And there Alex and his gang were goes to hospital about Alex problem. Why he can’t able to speak.   After finishing the practice Raj goes to meet Jay and say about the party and Barry’s new friend.     Author: The mystery about the girl will go continues and revel the truth.

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