
"Master Rin, every time I hear your voice I can't help but compare you to the man I love" I cried as he lifted me up in bridal style and sat with me on the bed, he gently kissed my head as I sobbed.

"Please don't take advantage of me. I know I'm now married to you and that you have the right to my body, but I just cant sleep with you. I am saving myself for him" I cried.

"You love him that much as to reject me your husband on your wedding night?" He asked.

I looked away not knowing how to make him understand.

It wasn't him that my heart longed for.

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1. Marriage offer
Snow's. P.o.v "Snow, Snow!" crystal shouted. I tossed and turned when I felt soft hands on my shoulders. "Snow I know you can hear me, wake up, there is a real dragon outside." I quickly jumped out of bed and looked at Crystal with my sleepy eyes. "Crystal if you are lying I will kill you." She grabbed my hand and ran with me outside the house, I closed my eyes for a second when the sun hit my eyes. "Look at it" I opened my eyes and stared at the dragon that stood far away from us, it stood proud flapping its wings. "Isn't it beautiful"Crystal's amazed voice had me smiling. "It is, I wish we could afford one"  Tears were forming in my eyes, my mother loved to tell us about dragons and dragon shifters before we went to sleep. { Flash back:10 years ago } "Mama, can you tell me a story?" She sits next to me on my bed and smiles. "Sure love, there is this beautiful 10 year old girl, who has a 7 year old little sister. she's a strong kind-hearted blond with lovely brown eyes. Though she doesn't have a father she has a mother that loves her with all the love that she could ever need. This little girl is a princess in her mother's eyes though they live in a small house and sometimes can't afford things. This little girl is you my beautiful snow. I looked at her and smiled happily. "Please mama tell me another story" "Okay Snow but after this one, you have to sleep okay?" "Okay mama" I slowly lay down and waited. "A long time ago...this land had dragon shifters, not the kind of dragons we have in our land now those aren't shifters, dragon shifters were rear if treated with love and care they would take form and shape of a man or woman. The more love and care they received, the stronger they became, those dragons would love, protect even breed with their masters as to prove their eternal love and loyalty, dragon shifters were jealous creatures that only wanted devotion and total submission from their master, that's why they choose who to protect and pledge their loyalty to, the shifters were only attracted to the purest of hearts, The purer the heart the stronger the bond was" "Mama, where did they all go?" "Well...many people wanted to own them, so they fought against each other and killed, but it was of no use, the shifters only choose one master for all their life... Ruthless rich men started killing the shifters in anger of never owning them for their personal power. years went on, fewer dragon shifters were left, but they became afraid to choose their neater and because they weren't strong enough ..they died and became extinct" "Mama what of their babies? Didn't they love them?" I watched attentively as she laughed softly. "They did, a lot but they did what they knew was best for them, that was to leave them or hide them before the cruel men would know of their existence" "I wish I could own a dragon" "Maybe one day when you become rich you could, but remember Snow the story I have just told you is a myth, the only dragons that exist in our land are just dragons okay?"   "I know mama" She gently kissed my forehead and stood up. "Now get some sleep okay? I'll go and check on Crystal. Love you" "Love you too mama" {End of flash back} "It's amazing Crystal, I wish I could see it up close" "You could, if you become my wife, I could get you one" I looked at duke Edward who stood next to me. "Crystal when did he come here?"I whispered. "The moment you were deep in thought, he approached us" she answered loudly. "Your grace," we said together and bowed lowly then stood upright looking at him. "Have you thought about my offer?"  I looked at the proud fool annoyed, he was one of the richest man of our land, I looked at the 49 year old fat short man, his long hair was tied in a ponytail, his ugly smile showed his white teeth, and his blue eyes held lust" "But your grace, you already have four wives," I said hoping he didn't hear me. But seeing his smile fade I knew he heard. "Snow"!Crystal shouted. I was about to apologize when I received a slap on my face that made me move backward and fall down. Crystal quickly knelt down in fear and begged. " Please forgive her duke Edward, I will talk to her, I promise" "You better Crystal, am not a patient man", Duke Edward answered me seriously I watched as he angrily turned and went to were his dragon was, got on, and left. "Snow! How many times have I warned you? You are even lucky that duke Edward wants to marry you"  I looked at Crystal angrily "I don't want to marry him!" I yelled back. "Well, there is nothing you can do about it! We are poor, he can even r**e you and no one would care, his word is everything while you are nothing dear sis, so please think about the offer before we both end up dead or sold to the brothel"  She yelled as I looked at her, I have never seen my little sis this angry ever since mother died and that was 5 years ago, she must really be scared. "I will think about the offer" I forcefully said. Crystal happily hugged me "Snow, I know he's old, but just think of it as having everything on a silver table without you doing much okay" "Okay Crystal" I made sure Crystal was in the house when I decided to take a walk in the forest. I carefully took the little path that led to the stream, The forest was one of the dangerous place we had in our land, the only safe thing was the path am using. Every time I felt sad and lonely I went and sat near the stream, I would feel better every time I did that. I focused on the road and my steps when I heard a whimper, it was low and weak. I turned and looked at the side where it came from but saw nothing. I was about to ignore it when the whimper grew louder, I looked around In Fear. The sound came from the dangerous side of the forest, I wanted to continue walking but there was no way I could do that, what if it was a little injured animal? I slowly turned and followed the whimpering sound. I walked with caution knowing I could be attacked at any minute, when I got closer to were the whimper was coming from, I slowed my movements while observing the environment. I saw a small lion cub trying to stand, it's leg was injured and bleeding. I quickly moved closer but stopped when I heard growls coming from all directions. I looked at the little cub sadly, I tried touching it, when a lioness jumped in front of me bearing its fangs in anger, soon many lionesses appeared, In my land stories of how savage these creatures are were still told, so I did the only thing my mind told me to do. I ran, without knowing where I was going. The growls were right behind me, I was going out of breath and my movements getting slower. I saw a big cliff ahead, I forced myself to move quicker as the growls grew near. I reached the mountain and started climbing it without looking down. I climbed as far as I could, when I saw a cave a few meters away, I breathed out in relief. I quickly got into the cave and looked at the far end but couldn't see anything. I looked behind and saw it was getting dark, I pushed my body close to the wall and hugged myself sadly. I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes. I was lost, it would take a week for anyone to even start trying to look for me. Crystal was a fragile girl she wouldn't survive the forest, that's why Mama made me promise to take care of her, she would try getting help but no one would dare help a poor an important girl. I was crying for myself, this was my death if this cave is owned by a deadly creature it wouldn't hesitate to kill me, I looked up and noticed the sun was setting, I must have Ran for hours. My bare feet were sore and bruised badly.  I looked at my outfit sadly. Crystal and I only had four Attires and two pair of sandals each. Many called us sluts because of our dressing. My dress was way revealing, it only covered my breasts exposing my stomach, and the cloth that wrapped on my lower waist was nicely tied and short. Many women of our land were richly dressed and mostly covered. Only prostitutes exposed most of their skin. The clothes we had were what Crystal and I could afford. At home I made sure to get a job, I worked for the rich women who were lazy to run there own errands, I did it for them and by the end of the day I would receive two silver coins that would provide us with at least a loaf of bread and milk, Crystal stayed home taking care of the house, many times she tried looking for work but men harassed her. I too was harassed at times, but I paid no mind to their harassment, all I cared about was feeding us and keeping us safe, until now all I care about is taking care of Crystal. My sobs grew when I thought of how Crystal would struggle to survive on her own if I was to die today. I would rather marry duke Edward than watch my sister suffer. I heard a c***k sound at the far end of the cave, I ignored it and continued sobbing. If this was my last night and day, I would and will cry for all the times I acted strong when I was hurt, I will cry for missing mother. I slowly lay down, feeling the coldness of the floor and weather, my mind drifted to my mother's death.               {Flash back} "Mama wake up! You are scaring me" I shook her on her bed as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Mama please"  I looked at her pale face, her eyes were shut, her lips purple, her skin cold. I got up and ran out screaming. "Help me, please! mother isn't waking up!" I ran to the market place. The people looked at me like I was crazy. "Ignore her, she's obviously too poor, that's how she makes a living by lying so people could pity her and give her some money," a rich woman said. "I will help you, young girl" I looked at the fat man and nodded. "Show me the way and please call me duke Edward" I looked at him gratefully and pointed the way.            {End of flash back} I dozed off feeling empty when a strong c***k sounded, I ignored the sound and calmed my breathing,  I heard footsteps then shortly felt something warm cover my shoulders, it rubbed against me and made a purring sound. I wanted to open my eyes but failed as sleep consumed me. . . .

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