
567 Words
Why do bad things happen to good people? I'm not saying I'm a saint, but I always try to do the right thing by my family, especially when it came to my son. I sat atop the tallest building in the city, fiddling with the small pendant that hung around my neck. The lights below twinkling in the dark as my bare feet dangled over the side, expensive emerald green dress whipped about by the wind. The glass in my hand clinked on the edge as I brought the amber liquid up to my lips, the booze burning my throat on the way down. Looking back at my life there were so many things I would change, and so many I wouldn't. I wouldn't have endured the years of abuse from my family, my husband and his parents. I would have finished my degree in Art, and accepted the job in New York in a CEO position that specialized in the buying, selling and creation of artwork. But, in the end, if I changed even a moment, I never would have had my beautiful boy, I never would have experienced his infectious smile. I missed that smile. I could hear the party still carrying on inside, just below me. The rich assholes always oblivious to everyone else around them, only caring about how much money they could flash. How I had endured their obnoxious company for so long? Had my love for my son blinded me enough that I had simply dealt with the arrogance they all exuded? Anger and revenge swirled in my stomach at how selfish they all were. I had desperately wanted the perfect family. I had thought marrying Sammual Welsh, the third wealthiest man in the city - my parents idea - that it would bring me some peace knowing we would be financially stable. That over time he would grow to love me, accept me as his wife and complete my dream. Sammual and I had at least known each other growing up, and I had fancied him all through high school. There was attraction, there was devotion, there was submission. Everything he had ever wanted from a wife. So why was it my younger, petite sister standing beside him in that ballroom, giant flashy wedding ring on her finger, announcing their pregnancy? She had flashed me that wicked toothy smile when no one was looking, knowing what this meant, how it would shatter my heart into a million pieces. It was bad enough their affair had destroyed my life once, now they were trying to destroy what was left of my sanity. Unfortunately for them, I knew the truth. I knew the secrets and lies and deception that had taken place. How it had ripped my world out from underneath me almost five years ago. And now I was out for revenge. If only they knew the truths I had uncovered. If only they had apologized for the torment and agony I had endured for years. Maybe then I would have been merciful. I would have been forgiving. But now, listening to the laughs and cheers at a new family that was based on lies, my conscious felt clear. And it would have gone exactly to plan, if that tall, handsome man, with his broad shoulders, chiseled jaw and dark stare had not entered my life, turning everything upside down.....
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