
1987 Words
I had expected them to take their time gathering my sons ashes to bring to me, especially since I instructed they come from the Coroner, that way I would know they were legit. They had always hated any requests I made, even if it were a simple food request my mother would deliberately try everything to not follow through. But I guess they wanted that marriage pretty badly. No less than two hours later they were back, the coroner giving me his deepest sympathies as he placed the urn and death certificate on the table beside my bed. My eyes were glued to the gold vase, that empty feeling growing the longer I stared. The divorce papers were thrust under my nose, not allowing me a moment to gather my thoughts. But at that point I didn't really care, nor did I care what they had put in the contract for divorce. I just wanted them out of my life. Once my signature was on the last page my mother snatched them from under me, tucking them securely back into the envelope, the glee in her eyes stung but I pushed the emotion away. "Can I arrange a car to co-" "I don't want your help mother" I cut her off, my voice cold as I stared out the window. "just leave me alone" I mumbled, a numbing feeling spreading through my body. I had been young, stupid and in love. I believed Sammual almost six years ago when he said he had loved me, but I realised now it was only to add me to his list of bedded woman. It was only when I had told my parents I was pregnant with his child had they agreed to bring the wedding forward. I stupidly confused the their excitement at early wedding for being happy with me, now knowing it was because they would have access to the Welsh's family and status sooner. I had dismissed the look of disgust as annoyance he would no longer be able to sleep with any other women. Not that it stopped him. I had been seventeen then, living in a fantasy world. Time to wake up and face reality. I grabbed the urn and scooped it into my chest, turning over in my bed. I don't know when she had left, just that the nurse openly admitted her distaste for the woman. I didn't respond. I had let my mind slip back into that empty space. Sammual never came back, nor did his or my family. It was a blessing in itself as I never wanted to see any of them again. I had managed to contact my Grandma, barely able to explained what had happened before breaking down once more. I was thankful that same nice nurse was there to finish explaining for me. Grandma organised everything after that. The days were a blur as my grief held me down, only allowing a few snippets of reality to come through. My best friend had visited a few times, helping my Grandma gather my things from my now ex husband's house. And before I knew it I was being moved across the country. My old life melting away, becoming a nightmare I never wanted to have again, but one I had every night when I closed my eyes. It would be four years before I saw any of them again. . Four years Later . I watched the land through the small plane window get progressively closer. The bright and early morning sun just starting to peek over the horizon, thin fog clinging to the spots the suns rays had not yet touched. I checked my phone for any notifications, replying to my best friend who would be waiting for me at the airport. Her excitement at my return helped ease the anxiety a little, I hadn't been back in four years, with no contact from my family since I left. Many things had changed since that day. When I left I had been broken, beaten and discarded, my life destroyed in a single moment. I never would have returned if it wasn't for the package that had arrive three months ago, it's contents shattering my world once again as the secrets and lies from all those years ago came spilling out. I clenched my jaw tight. I had spend weeks organising my return. I had found out that my sister and Ex husband were finally getting married, not surprised the invite had never been extended to me or to my Grandma. I could imagine the few choice words she would have to say at the ceremony, which is probably why she was excluded. The last four years had been hell. After essentially being comatose for months I finally came back to reality. Which hurt all over again, knowing I was still alive in a world my son no longer was. My Grandma helped me through the grief. Turns out I had a 2 uncles once, both had been older than my father and originally heir to the family fortune. But one died in a horrific accident, and the other shot after a lawsuit had gone wrong. She knew the pain of losing a child all to well. After a while I had begun to feel like myself, never fully whole but I felt the pain of my loss receding slightly, allowing me to function some what. My Grandma had presented me with a small wing shaped locket on my birthday, explaining it was a tiny urn. I could keep part of my sons ashes in it, and have him close to my heart at all times. I had never received anything so special before in my life. I may have been the eldest, but Cheyanne had been the favourite, receiving all the family heirlooms in which she like to parade around in front of me when we were younger. The fasten seat belt sign came on, the plane starting its decent. I had considered using the private jet, but the last thing I needed right now was publicity, and nothing drew the paparazzi like an unknown wealthy woman. I waited for everyone else to leave the aisle, not wanting to accidently touch someone. I had bought the whole row where I sat, just so I knew I wouldn't be touched. I wasn't sure if the trauma of losing my child had caused the phobia to appear, or if it was from the accident, but ever since that night I couldn't stand the touch from someone else. Slowly I grabbed my bags and headed off the plane, my stomach doing flips as my anxiety grew. I walked through the terminal gates, eyes scanning the crowd as my gucci heels clicked on the floor. I had wanted to wear something a little more casual and inconspicuous, however there had been an emergency meeting with the corporate body, and left no time to change before I had to rush off to my flight. I heard my name called, a smile spreading over my face as I turned just in time to see her trip and fall, her clumsiness never seeming to improve. I felt myself giggle at the women, glad to see her sweet face. She was the only one I had kept in contact with here, we had been friends since preschool and I considered her my sister. "Damn girl! If it wasn't for the photos and video calls I would never have recognised you" she looked me up and down, her hazel eyes glinting "Is that an ass I see!" I let out a laugh at her playful jests "I guess those defense classes have been good for you" "Some what" I replied. I had lost most of my weight while I had been comatose, and even more to severe anxiety after that. I had been a shell of myself, and had slowly built my strength back up with self-defence classes and yoga. My slim yet well toned body in the best shape I had ever been in my life. " Where's Jackson?" I enquired about her boyfriend. She had been so eager for us to meet I was expecting to see him here with her "I wasn't sure how you would be feeling after being crammed in an aeroplane full of strangers" she gave a half smile "I still don't know why you didn't take the jet" we started walking towards the baggage claim. "The last thing I need is for the Welsh and Talcotts to know I am in the city" "Don't you go by your Grandmothers Maiden name now?" I nodded. I had changed my last name shortly after I started recovering. My Grandma came from old money, the Ludovic's, her family going back generations. This meant many ties within high born families and government positions. There were many secrets she had brought me into, making me realise the woman my father had made out to be crazy and old was actually a very clever and bright lady. "The one thing both families sniff out best is people with money. Coming in on the jet would have alerted them to what they would think is fresh meat" Emeline laughed, agreeing "It's not like they would recognise you anyway babes, the girl they last seen doesn't exist" I grabbed my suitcase as it came around the conveyer belt "And let's keep it that way for as long as possible. Did you manage to get invited to the wedding?" We walked out of the airport and towards the waiting bay where her chauffeur was waiting. She gave an excited nod "Of course I did, as well as my parents and siblings. From what I can tell they have invited every wealthy family around, no doubt hoping to get some flashy wedding gifts" I handed my suitcase to the driver and slipped into the back with my friend, trying not to let my panic of being inside a car overwhelm me. "Part of me thinks they are trying to make wedding of the year headlines" she added a little more sourly "I could just imagine the money Cheyanne is throwing around. Everything would have to be perfect and exactly what she wanted" my voice was tight as I popped a headphone into one ear, clicking play on my phone for soft background noises to distract me from the moving car "Still no progress on the trauma?" her voice was quiet, as if she didn't want to ask the question. She wouldn't be my best friend if she didn't though. I shook my head "The medication helps though. Long trips are still not a thing" Emeline patted my hand before instructing her driver to head off "I have set up our guest house for your visit. Mum and Dad are excited to see you, and have hired extra security for your to use while you are here. No one is getting anywhere close to you while you are with me" her smile was warm and comforting. She knew exactly how I would feel being back and went to extra lengths to make me as comfortable as possible. "This driver and car are yours as well, his name is Henry, but if you would rather a woman-" "No, that's ok Eme, Fletcher should be arriving tomorrow morning and I would prefer if he drove me instead" I cut her off gently, heart rate spiking at having a stranger drive me around for a few weeks. Fletcher was my Grandma's personal body guards son. They knew the family better than anyone and had been loyal for literally generations "Of course Reenie, feel free to use any of the cars in the garage" I let out a small breath, fiddling with my pendant as I allowed my friends voice to wash over me as she filled me in on a few details. ~*~
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