15 You Are Coming With Me

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Ivory "How did you know she had a child by Erin?" Cole asked his mother, and she was tongue-tied. "I wasn't going to let her get away with what she did. If it wasn't for that b***h Diane, she and that bastard wouldn't have made it out," Anabel said, and Cole yelled at her. "Mother! You knew! You knew?" he said, and I realised that Cole did not know of my condition. "I knew, and I do not regret it. I do not regret it one bit," she said, and Cole looked at her. "Erin's baby or not, that child is mine because legally Ivory is still my wife, and she owes me a life," he spelt out to his mother, and I was worried he might take Erin from me as punishment. What did he mean by owing him a life? I became afraid. "You better not bring this b***h and her bastard to my house, Cole, or I will kil

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