26 The End Of The Day

1304 Words

Ivory I could not believe my luck. Olsen had decided to help me. I didn't fully believe him, but I would take what I could get if it allowed me to solve the matter. Trust was a luxury I couldn't afford, but necessity dictated my choices now. Soon, it was closing time. I glanced at the door, hoping to see Cole walk through any minute. But he hadn't returned yet. My stomach was knotted with a familiar worry. Olsen brought Erin to me, his small face lighting up the moment he saw me. "Mama!" he exclaimed, rushing towards me with his arms outstretched. I knelt down to scoop him up, marvelling at how happy he was. From the paint smudged on his cheeks, I could easily tell he had fun in school today. The bright blues and reds splattered across his face were a testament to an afternoon well spen

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