Dear Diary: Working for hubby

852 Words
I've never been a light sleeper, but since I married Mlondi I've turned into one. I don't know why but I suspect that it's the fact that I don't trust the guy and his mom. I can feel someone standing by the bed, but I pretend as if I am sleeping. "I know you are not sleeping. Wake up you have work to do" I ignore him and I look at the watch it's 4am. The house is clean, I take turns with the staff and today I am off. So why is hubby dearest bothering me at 4am? "Who wakes up at 4am to clean the house?" I ask him annoyed. He doesn't reply instead he yanks off the covers and walks towards the door. What is wrong with this guy? Is he trying to prove a point? "I'm giving you 5 minutes to get ready. You'll find everyone in the lounge" he tells me before he closes the door. Five minutes my foot. I'll take my time. I lock the door, make the bed and I take a shower. Thirty minutes later I walk to the lounge. I see guys I've never seen before. Mlondi is fuming if he was a cartoon character I'd see smoke coming out of his ears, maNgubane winks at me. I try to hide my smile but I can't. Mlondi gives me a look that could freeze the Vaal dam. "We are late" one of the guys tells me taking my hand walking towards the door. I look back hoping someone will explain what's going on. But I see the boys and their mom looking at me. I'm still looking behind me without realising that the guy is still holding my hand. I yank back my hand and he says 'sorry'. After 30 minutes we get to some abandoned place, oh well maybe they are going to kill me. As soon as the car stops, everyone gets off. Some guy gives me blue overalls. I don't ask any questions, I take them and I walk to the toilet to change. Two minutes later I walk out. There are big lights everywhere and people are moving around working. One of the guys gives me a wheelbarrow and tells me to take the bags of cement from one of the containers to the center. I do as he says. An hour later my back hurts like hell. Who knew that those bags are so heavy. After moving the bags they tell me to help remove the weed and I do as they say. I'm so tired but I don't want to complain. I don't know if this is a test or what. Maybe this is the reason my sister ran away. Now I don't blame her, but unlike her I'm going to stick around. I don't know why but I will. After 4 hours which feels like 4 centuries they say it's breakfast time. We have an hour. I was expecting them to give me my food but after washing their hands they tell me to join them. We eat and get back to work. I thought they said we have an hour. I still don't complain. I help them move the bricks for the brick layers. I don't even know what they are planning to build. Apparently the equipment were stolen a week ago, they didn't want to delay the project. So they decided to work. "Do you even know what we are building?" one of the guys asks me. "I just assumed someone will tell me at some point" I shrug. People are busy working so I didn't want to disturb and ask questions. They tell me they are building flats. I just nod, I have no interest in hubby's business, I was sent here to work not ask questions. We take a break at 1pm, it's lunch time. After lunch, they say it's time to knock off. I run to the car. I'm so exhausted, I wonder how construction workers do this for months or years. They deserve more pay than CEOs and business owners. When we get to Mlondi's house, I go to my room. Mlondi wakes me up, I fell asleep on the bath tub. I look at the watch it's half past 6. I've been sleeping for 5 hours. I've never been so exhausted in my life. I kept falling asleep on the ride home. The guys kept waking me, I felt like wailing. He hands me the towel and he turns around but I still don't feel comfortable with him being in the bathroom with me naked. He tells me that he will take care of everything, he says like he's talking about business. I let him. I walk into the dinning room in my pj's walking like a zombie. Senzo pulls out a chair for me. I'm too exhausted, I fall asleep with the spoon halfway to my mouth. Someone nudges me. In my mind I am telling them I am fine but my words are blurring together. I know that by looking at everyone's confused and concerned faces.
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