Chapter 65: A Clash of Emotions

1686 Words

Wrapped in a plush hotel towel, Lily stepped into the room, steam wisping around her like a veil. The scene before her was chaotic, an unexpected whirlwind within the serene confines of the hotel suite. Kade, fully dressed in tailored trousers and a crisply rolled white shirt, stood amidst the scattered aftermath, an enigmatic smile quirking his lips, while sipping a cup of coffee. As she took a moment to assess him, Lily found herself captivated by his presence. He possessed a sculpted physique that exuded both athleticism and an understated grace, a paradox in itself. But it wasn’t just his physical attributes that held her gaze—it was the way his eyes, a piercing shade of blue, seemed to delve into her soul with an intensity that left her momentarily breathless. His lips, soft and invi

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