17. Course Correction

1694 Words

17 Course Correction Mayor Brimly sat back in his chair, stunned. Beside him, Constable Malory's expression had softened. He and the Mayor looked at each other for a long minute. "We did not set out to desert. But when High Command gave those orders..." Raedrick shook his head. "I would not execute such an order. Nor would I order my men to." "No. No, I imagine you could not." "The rest of us in the squad left with him," Julian interjected. "And some others from the platoon as well. Disobeying an order gets you the gallows. Not reporting a desertion gets you almost as bad. But weren't none of us who could stomach staying with the unit after that." The Constable nodded slowly. "What about Farzal? Or..what was it you called him?" "Isenholf," Raedrick replied with a sigh. "Theobald Ise

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