Chapter 29

1451 Words

CHAPTER 29 RAINA'S POV I didn't know what to make of the situation I had just found myself in with Alpha Declan. I couldn't take the suddenly claustrophobic air that was around the pack house. There was an urge to just get out and not be around them, especially Alice. There was something quite eerie about her. I saw past that genteel smile of hers whenever she looked at me. There was a constant expression of disdain her eyes couldn't conceal. The eyes never lied. I found this old shack as I took a stroll. This time, I was more confident to move around the pack at night. Declan had alerted the guards of who I was to him. I was shocked when I heard the cranky door of the house creak open. The moment I recognized Declan's silhouette, my heart dropped with relief. Then it surged with pani

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