Chapter 14

1580 Words

CHAPTER 14 RAINA’S POV Declan was everything they said he was. But what should have been stressed more was that he was unfeeling and completely emotionless. I was so lost, I didn’t know what to do or where to go from here. I followed the path the carriage had taken in full hopes that it had left tracks for me to follow, but the only thing it had left behind was the cloud dust it carried. I sighed devastatingly and stared at the huge pack house, “Why won’t he just let me be for f**k’s sake?” I cried out and my voice rang through the serene air. I pressed my lips together and stared around, hoping no one else had heard me. In my deep frustrations, I strolled pack to the front of the pack house and the guards at the door regarded me quizzically. Their eyes held interest as if they were j

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