Chapter 90

1285 Words

CHAPTER 90 RAINA’S POV My screams grew louder when I felt two sharp canines dig into the flesh of my right leg. I was too frightened to open my eyes which I had jammed shut, I didn’t even want to know what beasts my attackers were. My bones shook with fright when I felt a gush of warm blood dripping down my wounded leg. Still, I could do nothing but close my eyes and scream. The looming thoughts of death dawned on me like a dark cloak, was this how my end was going to come? At the hands of the wild beasts of nature when I hadn’t even gotten far away from Declan? What if he found my dead body? That would be the worst part of it all, I would never be at rest knowing that because of him, my entire family had been wiped out. A loud howl suddenly rang into the air, it sounded like a cry of

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