Chapter 6

2808 Words

6 Joanie appeared for dinner looking much more lively and rested than I felt. I’d tried to read the books she left for me, but the strange terms and language only danced around in my head. We sat down at the kitchen table to camp stew and fresh baguette. “The best thing I ever learned in graduate school was how to nap,” she told me. “How did your reading go?” “Oh, it went.” Although the sore spot in my hip made itself known every time I moved my leg, I still couldn’t convince myself that Peter had been real. Maybe I bumped it while I was asleep, or it’s from the tranquilizer dart. “Where’s Leo?” She shrugged. “He’s in town in the clinic with Matthew. They’re working on safety precautions since we don’t know who or what is hunting us.” “Does he think it’s Fortuna?” “That’s one possibi

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