The Burning Queen

The Burning Queen

kickass heroine
enimies to lovers
first love

# Royal Romance

Anaya was the only child of King Arthur of Firelight.

when Anaya was born King Arthur called a fortune teller to tell the fortune of her little Princes. King Arthur was not happy with the answer of the fortune teller so, he ordered the Guards to kill the princess but somehow Princess Anaya survive and was found by a trader of Island Avalon. She grows up as the daughter of Trader Silas otto. Prince Leonard Cohen of the white kingdom Fall in love with Anaya portrait. Prince Leonard Cohen ordered to encapsulate Anaya.

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Chapter # 1
the Kingdom of firelight, King Arthur holds his baby Princess, clasp, and kisses on the forehead, New born princess was only child of king Arthur. The celebration was held for three days, King Arthur was ecstatic so he called the renowned oracle to notorious her wheel of fortune o beloved princess Anaya. At the peak of celebration and euphoria, Oracle Harold appears with a cane of magical dynamism and bow in respect of King. He aforementioned in enormous royal Court," My king Lord Arthur, according to your order, your servant is here." King Arthur and Queen Eleanor accept his bow. King Arthur asked Harold, "tell me the wheel of fortune of princess Ayana." Oracle Harold spins his cane in the air, the dynamism of magic covers Royal Court in white cloud and aforementioned," My Lord king Arthur, princess Anaya will raise with cherished and honor, she will receive all happiness of life regrettably If she lived here and rise in castle, she falls in love and on her 17th birthday marry to non-royal blood without your privilege, the destiny is written by God will never be changed by men." King Arthur asked amidst annoyance." Oracle Harold what you meant, Princess Anaya is the millennium of the kingdom, royal blood will invariably marry to royal blood." Oracle Harold aforementioned," My lord king Arthur, The destiny remain fixed no power of earth can change it." King Arthur aforementioned," Harold your magical power can change it." Oracle Harold aforementioned and bump his cane on the floor," My King Arthur the only way safe kingdom dignity is killed, Princess Anaya." Queen Eleanor blare and aforementioned," My king, she is an innocent child, she rendered nothing." King Arthur ordered," overwhelm princess Anaya and s*******r her." Guardsmen overwhelm Princess Anaya and propel her towards the Castle gate. Queen Eleanor came outside the Castle and try to stop the king's order but she eventually persuaded, to forgive Princess Anaya's life from guards. Queen Eleanor prepare a wooden crate were set down 1000 gold coins and a rare expensive ornament. She holds her beloved princess Anaya kissed her forehead with tears and sets Anaya inside Carte with her name bracelet. Queen Eleanor's ordered, guards take wooden carte and flow into the Riverside without awareness of King Arthur's. Guard Leo and lady Ellis took carte and escape from the Castle. They lay Carte in the darylis rill midnight and carte start flowing in the river waves. Guard, lady Ellis reached Castle in the room of Queen Eleanor and bow in respect to, aforementioned " Our Queen Eleanor we concluded your order." Queen Eleanor with wet eyes, took Anaya's handkerchief evoked screaming," she was barely my child, she was just 4 days old." Lady Elis aforementioned, "My queen, now we can merely pray for Princess Anaya. God help our innocent Princess." Queen Eleanor's " God will protect and bless my child with Mercy." "Even the darkest night will end. The sun will rise" In the rise of the sun, where floating carte reached edges of darylis rill River, trader silas otto walking with his wife Adeline, both were glance over carte which was floating beside edges of River. Adeline aforesaid," look Silas there is something here." Silas aforesaid," yeah, I can peer that, don't touch it may be there is something on." Adeline aforementioned Silas," check-inside Silas, open up carte!" Silas otto opened the carte and appalled when glancing over baby princess Anaya was sleeping over gold coins. Adeline and Silas start staring at Anya's face. Adeline aforementioned Silas," she is a baby girl!" Adeline took up Anaya and check her breathing. Silas aforesaid," Adeline that's bizarre! where she came from and why she is in carte." Adeline aforementioned," Silas maybe her Guardians don't want him?" Silas," God's know better Adeline although we have to reveal her Guardian mystery." Adeline holds Anaya in her arms and cuddles her, and aforementioned," she is the gift of God, God's wants to protect her, that's why she is still alive in carte." Silas said," let's move." He picked up the carte and Adeline hold the baby and on the road to their home. The couple reached Island "Avalon of Heaven". Trader Silas otto was a well-known merchant of Avalon island. Their house is located at Mountain of unicorn hill, where one viewpoint is the sea and on other sites River darylis rill. The island for the people of Avalon was related to Paradise. The couple embark on the house and Silas set down a carte and opened the door, Adeline aforementioned," Silas we have to feed the baby." Silas aforementioned Adeline," yes Adeline brace milk and feed her, I will check Carte's perchance we will find something related to her clan or guardians." He glances crate but swiftly Adeline yelling and aforesaid," Her name is Anaya." Silas aforementioned," how you known?" Adeline aforesaid," from her bracelet here is the name." Silas glances over the bracelet and aforesaid," Adeline this mystery became more complicated, now tune in carefully, you have to take care of the baby. I am getting on to find her guardians." Adeline aforesaid," I am coming with you."Silas , don't worry, I am not going alone, Victor joins me." Silas adieu to Adeline, and prepare his ride, He took victor with herself, and both will on their way to uncover the truth of Anaya. Two together reached at Kingdom of sun range, which was near the Kingdom of firelight. Silas meets his trader friend Robert Pattinson. Who welcomed them in his house. He aforesaid to Silas and victor," you know, the king Arthur of firelight kingdom ordered the death of her newborn princess Anaya in the royal court." Silas disgracefully overhear, victor aforementioned Robert," so, is she murdered by royal order?" Robert aforesaid," According to royal court members, Princess Anaya is murdered and buried in royal Graveyard." Silas aforementioned Robert," what was the reason behind the king Arthur order, she was his child." Robert aforementioned Silas, "Silas we don't exactly but oracle Harold is a reason behind royal order." Victor aforementioned Silas," Silas time to go, we have to reach the island before sunset." Silas aforesaid," Robert thank you for great hospitality, now permit us to leave. we are getting late."Robert aforesaid," Silas sure brother soon we will meet again." Victor and Silas both together said adieu and leave the kingdom. Before sunset, both reached Avalon island. Silas aforesaid," Victor doesn't tell anyone about the murder of Anaya Princess, this is secret between us." victor aforesaid," don't worry, it's undisclosed between us." Silas aforesaid," thanks for such forbearance ." Silas came inside home, Adeline was await for and aforesaid," what happened, you are not in the ace mood." Silas aforesaid," where is Anaya, how is she?"Adeline aforementioned," Is everything okay, she's sleeping inside the room." Silas locked door, and sit on the chair, and aforementioned Adeline," listen carefully, she is not humdrum Anaya, she is a Princess of firelight kingdom, daughter of King Arthur." Adeline glance at the door of room where Anaya sleeping inside. she aforementioned Silas,"why she was in the carte?" Silas aforesaid," King Arthur give order of Anaya's death perchance one of royal guard safe her." Adeline aforementioned Silas," we will adopt Anaya, she is my daughter,we will rise her like our own daughter." Silas aforesaid," God safe this child from there's horrendous act."

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