Chapter Three

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USHER'S POV I thought phasing into a pack angel was all I needed for Hayden to love me. I was wrong! Being the only female pack angel in the kingdom and the foretold mate of Prince Hayden, I am envied by every girl. Hayden isn't a simple pack angel, he is the ultimate male perfection. His wings shimmers with the bright golden colour of Goddess Israel's love, bet he is her favourite creature. Some people are overly blessed. While some of us would be happy to live a hundred years, Hayden and his chosen mate will carry on for a full millennia. That's a prophecy made by every great prophetess. I want to be the girl he chooses and live with a gorgeous and powerful husband for a full millennia. I don't know what to do to make him want me. He still claims that I don't smell like his mate even after phasing. "Hayden, do I really not smell like your mate or you just dislike me?" I ask in the most respectful voice despite the anger boiling inside me. "I think it's the latter!" He answers curtly. He is so straightforward with his rejection that my heart throbs painfully. "You dislike me?" "No. I just don't feel attracted to you, it doesn't mean I hate you." "What about my smell?" I ask hopping that at least there is something I have that he likes. "To be honest, I don't find it refreshing!" His reply makes my eyes sting with tears. "The prophetess foretold that I would be your mate! She saw us ruling this kingdom together!" "Then she didn't see that I wasn't happy. And I am not going to sacrifice my happiness for a millennia!" He retorts. "I know you want to live for millennia, but trust me when I tell you it would be unbearable when you're married to the wrong person." He adds in a calmer voice. "But you're the best person! I am certain I would love you for a millennia.Please tell me you're willing to try and love me even half of the way I love you!" "Unless I feel our mate bond, I can't promise anything!" He answers before storming out of the room. He decided to take his best friend, William, to Silver moon pack instead of letting me escort him. It's like he detests my presence. I need to speak to the prophetess, ask her what went wrong with our mate bond. * * * * * "He doesn't like me!" I scream out at the old woman, tear escapes my eye and I angrily wipe it off. "Have a glass of this juice, it will calm down your nerves." She says setting down a glass in front of me and pouring red juice inside. "Just tell me what is wrong, what do I need to fix?" I plead. "Your mate is supposed to love you the way you are. Hayden is probably not ready to get married yet, give him time." She answers. "You don't understand, he claims that I don't smell like his mate, that he doesn't feel even slightly attracted to me!" "That can't be true. I had a vision of your future life, you two were so happy together!" She says. She seems to be smiling at the memory in her head, wish I can see it too. "He sounds certain that he can't be happy with me." I object. "Unless there is someone who looks exactly like you, you should be assured Hayden will marry you!" She reassures. "What do you mean by 'unless there is someone who looks like me'? I don't have a twin!" "I once saw a vision of you and Hayden in the palace's secret library. There was a girl standing behind you, as if eavesdropping. She had a face so similar to yours to a point that you couldn't tell which one is you." She answers. That doesn't make sense. Hayden would never take me to palace's secret library. It is where vital information is stored, including even more mysterious facts about him, the beloved son of Goddess Israel. Since everyone believes I am his future wife, I am treated like a royal princess and I am free to walk anywhere within the palace. Except the secret library. The king and his wife are fond of me but they too warned me not to enter the room until the day Hayden and I will get married. I am positive that Hayden will marry me one day, but who is this other girl the prophetess is talking about? I am my mother's only child, so no one can look like me. Hello my awesome readers! I am curious to know what you think of the story so far. Please leave a comment!
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