32. The Evening Breeze's Kiss...

2630 Words

"What do you know about magic?" " A few things I picked up from my mum and Caroline," I answered Sebastian's question, but his attention seemed to be half-taken by the woods around us. His cold glare perused our surroundings as he kept leading the way, baffling me with his frigid demeanor. "Werewolves depend on the moon for strength and are at their strongest when it's full. Vampires depend on the night for protection from the sun, which only reveals itself during the daytime. Fays need to be in their realm if they wish to continue to have access to their powers. Witches, however, rely on the earth..." "…because it's where their magic comes from." It was a pattern. All supernatural beings have their limits and depend on something to survive. The sound of a branch snapping beside us ca

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