Chapter 24: All Tangled Up

3410 Words

Arabella's P.O.V My human alarm clock walked in and drew open the curtains, letting the bright sun blind me. I groaned and grabbed one of my many aqw pillows, stuffing it over my head in the hopes of either smothering myself to death or blocking out the sun. To be honest, I was praying for the first. Another competition, yay, and it was the s****l competition so double yay. Uh, I hated this. I hated having to have to do these degrading activities just to impress the public. I knew Hardin hated it too which made the whole thing pointless. I also had to deal with Ivy, who was going to use this opportunity to try and seduce Hardin in any way she liked. Great. "Ari, I have your outfit set out on your bed and your robe is hanging on the chair. The curling iron is plugged in and heating

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