Chapter 26: A Painful Injury

2511 Words

Arabella's P.O.V Today was the physical competition and there was no doubt that I was going to lose. I had been putting in some extra hours at the gym, especially focusing on the weights with the help of Rory. I swear, that girl could bench more than most of the guards. She was strong as hell. I'd already showered and eaten my healthy breakfast which consisted of a bowl of fruit, a glass of water and I managed to convince Flo to sneak me a muffin from the kitchen. What? A girl's gotta eat. Flo ran hers hands through my wavy locks and then grabbed a section at the front, intricately plaiting it into a Dutch braid and then tied it into my high pony tail. She grabbed a piece of hair and wraps it around my bobble, securely fastening it with a bobby pin, making it look like the bobble

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