1369 Words

ALEXIS POV “You mean you want to put us on a wage?“ Maia looked disgusted at the word. “What are we? Maids?“ “That's where you're making a mistake, because maids are actually more helpful than the two of you combined.“ “Now I won't accept that type of insult, not even from you.“ Connor's face reddened. “What are you going to do? Report me to the council of Alphas.“ I goaded him. “You just wait. Soon, you will be out of this pack.“ Maia threatened. “See, that's where you're wrong. You actually just gave me a good idea. I could report both of you to the council of Alphas and have you booted out of the pack.“ “You wouldn't dare.“ “That depends on how you both behave yourselves.“ “I can't believe you're treating us like this.“ Maia fumed. “I've not even started treating you anyway.

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