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ALEXIS POV: BLOOD MOON PACK “Alex, when do you think our wedding should be?“ Casey asked for the umpteenth time. “Casey, I told you what I wanted.“ “But extramarital affairs are frowned upon.“ “We are going to get married anyway. Once you get pregnant, you can go ahead and make all the plans that you have.“ She whined. “Why is it so important to you?“ “You are asking an Alpha why a child is important to him?“ Casey can be so dumb sometimes. Very dumb, in fact. “I just don't see the big deal.“ “The big deal is that I have to continue this lineage. Your uncle is childless, which is why I had to leave my true mate and marry you to carry on the lineage.“ She grimaced at the mention of my mate. “I told you not to mention that rat in my presence.“ “I also told you not to tell me what

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