1390 Words

ALEXIS POV “What's happening here?“ I saw a group of maids clustered together, seeming to fawn over something. I moved closer to see what was going on. I saw a guard smiling and all the maids gushing. They didn't even hear or acknowledge my presence. They were more happy to hang on to this guard's every word. “I told my partner, if we don't pursue the rogues, we will be doing ourselves a great disservice. So even though I knew we would be leaving the pack territory, I didn't stop. I caught him eventually and dragged him back here to get what he deserves.“ He was lying. Rogues are not cats that you catch just because you chase them. “Thank you for your service.“ The maids seemed to eat it all up, though. “If I don't do it, I'll be risking all your beautiful selves. We can't have that

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