Twenty Four (Unedited)

1980 Words
  I always got that feeling of being watched but I just let it go and maybe I'm just paranoid.We stayed for a week in Hill Valley until I decided to go home, it was just sad and I was the only one to go home alone because my parents had to stay.I reached home tired, dragging my suitArrowe I entered the house and rested for a while in the living room before climbing.What am I supposed to do tonight? Tomorrow, I have not yet arrived so I decided to go to the mall for a walk. I wanted to take Lacy panty with me but she's not here right now because she's on vacation with her family.I know ... I know, I'm alone, I really want to have my own partner, a boyfriend!Do I have a choice?My phone rang while I'm on my way to the stairs, I was dragging my suitArrowe while answering the call."Hey, Ash!" I greeted."Hi, Liana! Are you home yet?" He said on the other line."Yes, just now. I'm alone, I have parents stayed in Hill Valley for now."I lowered the handle of the suitArrowe and lifted it while the phone was slung over my shoulder."Really? You should have called me; I can fetch you at the airport." He said and I smiled and laughed as I slowly walked uphill."No need, Ash. I'm home now, so I can go home alone.""All right," He sighed. "But ... can I ask you out for a date tomorrow?"I froze, I was stunned on the floor of the stairs and my eyes widened."D-Date?" I exclaimed."Yes, I am hoping--" I lost my attention on the phone when someone took a suitArrowe in my hand.I almost jumped, I turned around and almost gasped when I saw Phoenix who looked like he had just arrived.I was stunned to see him."Let me," His cold voice said. I couldn't speak right away when he walked upstairs, carrying my suitcase.Did he leave too?He looks tired, he climbs quietly while carrying my suitArrowe."Liana?" Ash's voice filled my ear."Oh, right!" I snapped back from my reverie, controlling myself from bursting emotions.I felt the painful beating of my heart and followed him."Can I?" he Said."Sure, tomorrow?" I said formally."Really?" He exclaimed. "Yes, tomorrow! I'm going to fetch you at home."I chuckled a bit and walked, I saw Phoenix stop across from my room and put the suitArrowe there but didn't leave.What's his problem? Get out of there in front of my room!Alright, I'll find a pretty dress for tomorrow." I said and walked towards my door."Thank you, Liana! See you tomorrow!" He said happily."Okay, see you tomorrow too." I said.When the call ended, I went straight to the room.I put down my phone and picked up the suitArrowe. I can see him looking at me through my peripheral vision but I shrugged it off.I silently opened the room, just about to pull my suitArrowe in when I heard him."Who's that?" He suddenly said.I froze but then managed to stay calm and composed, I put in my suitArrowe and looked at him."Ash," I said, smiling coldly at him.I saw how his eyes turned to something unreadable. His forehead furrowed there."Where are you going?" He asked me. He looks serious, looking like he's composing himself too like me, trying to act like he's cool with it."Well," I smiled. "You weren't my bodyguard anymore, so, it's none of your business.I saw how emotion played on his eyes; he was ready to speak when I spoke again."Anyway, I'm tired." I said and looked at him coldly. "I'll rest, Mr. Adler." I said softly and closed the door.The moment his face faded, the composure I managed to show him faded. I found myself melting, my knees wobbling in pain.My tears started to drip and I quickly ran to the CR to cry quietly.You're really good at faking your emotion, huh, Liana? You should have an awardThat night, I couldn’t sleep again, I cried, like what happened for a few nights. If it wasn't for my sister, it was because of that man.I shouldn’t be hurt! I shouldn’t be affected! It's not us but if I cry it's like we are!So, the next day, I felt like I was floating. Ash and I had a date that day, he picked me up at the mansion early and we went out and went to the mall.I didn't even know if I would entertain him or not. There's this feeling inside me that I should give him a chance but I still have a doubt.I fully can't give my heart to me; I can't fully trust him right now. Even though, I know he is a good person."It's good that no one is around you anymore, isn't it?" He said, slowly holding my waist."Around?" I turned to her.He smiled and nodded; I saw him glance from my lips back to my eyes."That asshole, Phoenix." He said to me. "I was annoyed at that man, the arrogance.""What?" My forehead creased. "Have you ever talked to him?""Not really but I don't like his presence. I am annoyed whenever he's around you, I felt like he's taking you away from me."I didn't say a word, I looked at the flower I was holding."Good thing he wasn't your bodyguard anymore, good thing, you're safe. I was really scared when the incident happened, it's because your bodyguard is stupid and you weren't properly guarded. If I were him, I know you won't get hurt, if only I were with you then. ""Ash, that was an accident." I said lowly, he opened the door for me out of the mall to get to the parking lot."Even though, it's really good and it's gone. I really don't like the air surrounding that man. The arrogance!""Can we not talk about him?" I asked, quietly glancing at him."Okay," He breathe and smiled. "Let's just talk about us." Said.I gasped there and swallowed, I glanced at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes."Ash ...""I like you, Liana." Said. "It's been a long time."I didn't say anything right away.How can I tell you that I am not ready?"Ash," I murmured. "I-I'm still not sure, I mean, I don't think I am ready.""But I can wait!" He was quick and grabbed my arm.I shivered with his sudden move, I was pushed back there and there I felt like I was leaning against a car."Ash, I like you, you're a good person." I said and he smiled, I was startled when he advanced his steps towards me so I was in the car."B-But you see ... I-It's too early for this, I-I mean ..." I saw his gaze drop to my lips and his eyes widened."I don't care, I'll wait ..." He said.I swallowed, my heart pounding as he brought his face close to mine, staring at my lips."A-Ash ...""I think I love you, Liana, so I don't understand why are you like this." He moved his face closer.I was speechless, when our noses hit my heart seemed to explode with excitement.No ... I don't want your kiss!Should I push him away?! Damn it, Liana! You should!I lifted my shaking hands, ready to push him when his lips touched mine briefly when he was suddenly gone in front of me.Leaving my hand in the air, my eyes widened when I saw Ash fall to the floor while in front ofme was the furious Adler.I was violently swallowed."What the f**k is your problem ?!" Ash exclaimed."Don't touch her!" Phoenix's voice boomed, I clenched my hand and blinked in shock."What do you care?!" Ash stood, he stood in front of Phoenix, sneering.Phoenix's face screams rage, his forehead furrowed, his jaw irritated and tense.Ash eyed him, almost hitting his shoulder but the latter didn't move, and since Phoenix was taller, he didn't move when Ash hit him."Shut up, what's your problem ?!" Ash retorted."Stay away from her." Phoenix said emphatically.He was just calm saying that but I heard the conviction, threat and irritation on his voice.They were about to fight so I took a deep breath and violently pulled Phoenix and I think he sent me a tow so he backed away."What are you doing here, Mr. Adler?" I eyed him sharply.His jaw clenched, I saw the hidden irritation and mockery on his voice as he was looking at me."To fetch you." He said coldly."For?" I laughed there lifelessly. "You don't have a say on my life anymore, okay?""Your father told me to check on you while he's gone." He also told me coldly."Really ..." I laughed and shook my head. "Oh, you've seen me. Okay? Maybe I can continue my date with him?"I seem to be angrier with Phoenix, his green eyes almost turned black because of his irritation.We looked at each other, if he was brave, I would be braver. I rolled my eyes and pushed him a bit when I'm done proving my point.I faced the angry Ash and approached."Ash, let's go." I said and when he looked at me.He nodded, looking calming himself. I approached Ash to join when Phoenix suddenly came in front of me.My eyes widen at the sight of that mad ugly ape! He looks like he's going to annoy me but I don't care about him!"Move!" I exclaimed."Will you come along well or will I force you?" He said hardly.I laughed in annoyance, I pushed him again but he didn't move."Move out of my way!" I said."Let her go!" Ash exclaimed, tried to come closer but Phoenix pushed him. "Let my girlfriend pass!"Even though I was shocked by what Ash said, I didn't react, I eyed Phoenix sharply and because his mixture was bad, I was very upset when he came, he easily slung me on his shoulder like a dress and took me to his car."Let me go!" I exclaimed, slapping his back. "You asshole! I-I have a date with my boyfriend!" I pretend to say."Your boyfriend should f**k himself." He said loudly and dropped me in the shotgun seat of his car.When he moved away, I tried to open the lock but it rang because he pressed something so frustrated, I shouted, messed up my hair and wandered inside."Let me go! You f*****g bastard!" I screamed.I saw Ash furiously there but Phoenix didn't move, my eyes widened even more when Ash suddenly punched the latter but Phoenix easily caught his fist.My eyes widened more when in just a snap, it twisted Ash's hand and pushed before returning to the car."What the f**k did you do him ?!" I screamed on his ear when he entered. He turned around but stared at me and started the car.My mouth parted when he quickly maneuvered the car and drove away, leaving the mad Ash on the parking lot.I was able to fold my arms and breathe fast while in his car."What is your problem?" I exclaimed while looking at him."I need to check on you." He didn't seem to care."Check on me? For what? Your contract ended right?" I insisted. "I know I was just a job but the contract ended! What else do you do for me, huh?""I will protect you." He insisted, calmly and ignoring my complaining in his car."Protect from what ?!" I shout. "No more opponents! You've been imprisoned, you've been imprisoned, haven't you ?!"He didn't say a word and just frowned.I sighed when he didn't answer me and stared into the air.This asshole! I'm going to drive it out of the mansion!Someone called, I overheard him talking to Arrow, his brother, seems to be reconciling the hospital."We'll go to the hospital first, I'm going to fetch him and his family." Said."Once there, I'll be home first." I said coldly."You will come with me.” He insisted"What are you, boss? I can do it alone, Mr. Adler." I said."Phoenix." He insisted. "Call me Phoenix, Liana."  
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