Twenty Six (Unedited)

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                                                          THIRD PERSON   "How much longer are we really going to wait?" The man asked his companions.   "The time is near too, don't worry, we just have to fix some things before we make the plan."   "All right, I'll go first, I'll just do what you order, I'll be back tomorrow night with the news with you." They both nodded and smiled.   He just sighed before leaving the room, he was bored, he really wanted to start the fight, he wanted to kill the people he had wanted to hurt and ruin them for a long time, because as long as they live, it will not be reassuring, because anytime they can move and go forward he and those with him.                                                      L E T I S H A       M A N A R I     "You're really crazy! I still can't get over, you fuckard!" I shouted while slapping the man I was walking with.   He was laughing his ass out while remembering what happen earlier. "You didn't ask, did you?" I stared at him and walked faster.   "Go f**k yourself, moron. You're really annoying!"   "Wait up! Ish!" He shouted my name again, but I ignored him. This one is really a pain in my ass. Why did I become friends with this guy, again? It's like Jas. I was stopped when suddenly someone pulled my arm.   "Hey. Are you mad?" I ignored him and walked again.   "Ish! I'm sorry!" He kept on chasing me. I stopped and looked at him wickedly. "Hehehe, I'm sorry, come on, we're friends." Once he signed peace. I rolled my eyes. This guy.   After that conversation, we went straight to the meeting place that mam Aiji said yesterday to talk about what we will do at the festival. I saw my older brother, I thought of calling his attention, he's a little far from me, I can only sit on the right side, I still want my older brother next to me.   "So, good day everyone. Are you all in your respective partners?" We all nod and chorus in saying-'Yes' he nodded and looked around at us all.   "Okay then. We'll start the meeting and assigning task." He opened the bag he was always carrying. Sometimes I keep thinking about what it is. Again, it's like that.   We all sat on what looked like a small couch that was pure Primary color. Maybe about 16 pairs are here, a bean bag, We are divided into two. We were on the right, and the others were on the left. I saw my older brother a while ago, but he seems to be thinking deeply because he didn't notice me, he did not even notice my perfume, when he smelled it he knew it was me, because it's the only perfume in the world, because he made it for me. He has little knowledge of chemicals, and other stuffs.   "For the right side, The first five pairs, will be assigned for cleaning the area and to measure how far or just how much each booth."   He moved the paper and read it again, that's probably everyone's division of labor.   "Okay for the first five pairs at the left side, you'll be in charge for the foods that the students can buy while strolling around."   What is that festival for? It's only been a few weeks since the school year started.   "Okay, for the last three pairs at the left side, designing of the Festival."   "And for the last group at the right side, you'll be in charge for the booths that the student will definitely enjoy. Just give me the list of expenses. Okay that's all. Adjourned." Said madam once walk out.   Booths have been assigned to us, it's not that difficult, but it seems like we're running out of time since the festival is near, but based on the looks of those with me, it looks like we can finish it.   "Guys! Let's have a meeting for the booths." Suggested by one of the pairs with us in making booths. We stood together in the group, I also don't know where we are going but I thought of something to suggest for our game, I think that's okay, because we were successful with my classmates before.     "Ann." I stopped thinking because of Kris's gentle pat on my shoulder.   "What?" I frowned at the question.     "Come on, let's  make up?" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, I remembered again what this freak did to me. He is with me, because he is my partner. "You okay?"   "Yeah. It's just a really headache, so be quiet there first." He nod and smiled. It's good that he didn't ask, it's true that my head hurts, I just now remembered that I don't take my sleeping pills, I always have those, especially when I can't really sleep, so my head starts to hurt again , I haven't been able to sleep. The six of us went straight to the illuminate garden for a meeting about what we were going to do. "So what booths? Any suggestions?" Kyla asked. I know her because she's my classmate.   "Maybe a movie booth, it's a great way to kill time. There are a lot of movie marathon addicts here at the academy right?" Suggested by one of our companions from Rubric. Kyla nodded and wrote it down in her small notebook,   "Hand cuff. Will do." I was a bit surprised when Kris suddenly spoke, because he had been quiet lately, they all looked at him.   "Alright." Kyla write it down again.   "Shoot and Get is our traditional game every year, isn't it? So why should we delete it?"   "Find the army."   "Okay." she paused for a moment and thought. "As for me, wedding booth?" We all nodded, then she looked at me.   "How about you, Isha?"   "I think Finding Mr. Carnot's treasure will do, it's a good game, and fun to play, I think everybody will enjoy this game." They all looked at me and frowned.   "What's that?" She asked again, it looks like they haven't been able to play like that yet.   "Actually we used to play that when I was in grade school. It's like finding the X where the treasure has been hidden, everyone can sit on something we made for don be included in the game and there are guards. Like chairs with Blue ribbon. It seems so. "   "So who's going to make sense of us? And how do we know if that's it?" Question from a man from Rubric   "It's a guess. No one will know." My answer.   "Eh, what's the catch if no one does? That's not possible, mam will scold us." Another man asked.   "Of course it's not possible that no one will do it, we'll draw to find out who will do it, I already did something yesterday, just in case this happens to us. It would be better if he was our main booth." They nodded in agreement as I said, Ios just smiled and shook his head, shrug my shoulder. This one is going crazy again. Laughing for no reason.   "Okay. Whoever can pull out the word 'I'm assign' will do it. It's forbidden to tell anyone, for exciting. Okay? So let's start." I said as I took out the small papers I had put in the little box.   They pulled out one by one, including me, of course because we were all groupmates.   "It's okay now. are we good?" They all nod.   "Okay, go ahead. Let's open it when we get to the dorm, for now we're finishing up the set and plans of the booths we need so we can start making props." Said Kyla.   "Anna, how are the mechanics of the game?"   They all looked at me. By the way, I forgot to mention them. "Whoever pulled out when 'I'm assigned, she or he has to choose a leader of searching. So he'll make sense for that. By the way, if that paper belongs to whom, by pair is the latter okay? Bali Only the first 4 pairs qualified. "     "Eh, what's the price?" Kris suddenly asked.   "Anything under the sun, only one pair will be left because we will make traps."   "Anna right?" I nod, this guy isn't sure yet huh? We've been able to talk here before, but I don't know him either, it's okay.   "I'm Philip. Anyway, So you mean in this game, even  us, can be victims too? Because no one knows who will make the traps."   I smiled. "Exactly."   "Woah! Sounds exciting!" They shouted at the same time so we all laughed.   "Yep. So that's it." I ended   "Hihi. I'm excited. So okay, The booths we're going to do are Movie booth, Handcuff, shoot and get, Finding the carrot, wedding booth and Finding Mr. Carnot's treasure. Okay. Let us all meet again tomorrow."   Kyla's adjourned the meeting. We all got up and started walking.   "Ish!" I halt.   "Why?" He shrug and smiled.   "Come on. I'll bring you home." Problems with it? Why bring me home?   "Why would you do that? I'm okay, so I can go to the dorm alone, you suck." My head really hurts, and my birthmark hurts on my side, I don’t know why he hurts, so I’m a little irritated.   "I'll bring you home, come on." He finally said and walked with me, I didn't do anything so I just let him do what he wants, I'm not in the mood to get along with his games.   "I can do it myself." Even if I say, there is nothing with him, he is still walking.   "Nah, might as well bring you home, you might fall in no time." What! He really has this habit of being beaten! I thought he was sincere in saying that he would walk me home, happen that's just to tease me. Pretending freaaak.   "You dope, don't do it, I can really be myself, you don't have to walk with me anymore." I still said, I really want to go home alone, I want to be alone, I want to think, in case this one doesn't want to let me go, I'm not angry, I'm just annoyed, but maybe he's really concerned about his teasing este to deliver me.     "You handsome friend will walk you home, aren't you happy with that?" The wind is still there, a little sunlight please, so that the sun will shine on him and wake him up to the truth. "No, you're not handsome so stay there please."   "Yiieeee! You still deny that, it's okay, we're the only people here, so go ahead and admit it, I won't tell anyone. Promise!" He said, while laughing.   "So annoying! Not really!"   "Yiiee! let's go, you have a crush on me? Don't! I can only give you friendship, even if it hurts to accept." He laughed even more when I slapped him and walked faster, but his limbs were long, so he still reached out to me.   "Freak! Ugh!"   "Hahahaha!"   And because of that, I completely beat him because I was pissed, he is very bully! Tomorrow he will really have bruises and black eyes, so he knows what will happen to him if he doesn't stop teasing me, but I just laughed as I slapped him.                                                                    -   I woke up early today, so I decided to go out and jog for at least half an hour, it's been a long time since I've been able to jog, it's not like I put on weight, I just need it for my breathing, lately it's a bit difficult I breathed again, probably because of the lack of sleep.   Everything is complete here inside the magique Ziel. There are stalls of raw and fresh foods, there is a mart, gasoline station, there is an arcade, museum, library, and of course school. I’ve been to the museum, since I entered here, I haven’t been able to enter here. It's open 24/7, it's just that what I'm doing is more important, so even if I want to go through here, I can't do it because I forget.   I swiped my card before entering, some guards greeted me, it was good that I brought my card. I walked slowly to see the portraits on the walls for a long time. Different faces, and scenery, and because scenery fascinated me, I spent more time here. There are some paintings on cliffs, mountains, sunset, sunrise, different events, and others photography, so they are very fun to look at, they are beautiful to look at, the shot here is very perfect, it's surreal, I hope I can take it home, for my house is more visible, it relieves tiredness, it is relaxing to watch.     I looked for a moment before climbing to the very end. A portrait grabbed my attention.   Picture of two people, I think they are married, based on their pose, they look really happy. They both dressed in royal blue. They look so classic, it's like Roman times,     "They were the Queen and King of magique Ziel." I was startled because the person next to me suddenly spoke, I looked at him, he also looked like he was jogging, he was familiar to me.   "You're the one in front of the cafe, aren't you?"   He nodded, but he still didn't take his eyes off the portrait, he was also wearing a brown hoodie so I couldn't look too closely, but I could see his sharp nose with a perfect jaw line.   I don't know how long I stared at him, but suddenly my heart beat faster because the moment he held my hand, I felt something that I only felt for the first time.   For as much as a string connected to me from him, I can't describe what it was, because it was the first time I felt it, so I frowned.   "Wait, who are you? Do you know me?" I couldn't help but ask, because this was the first time, I was able to see him up to this close.   "No, but soon you will. Have a great day princess." That's all and he disappeared from my sight so my eyes widened and rolled my eyes, but I never saw him again.   Okay, what was that? He creeps the hell out of me. Who is he? But I still can't forget what I felt before, the one that seemed to have a string, very strange in feeling, it's funny I don't know. Just, I just felt it for the first time.   I was stopped by the feeling that something was placed in my hand.   A blue rose. Is this what he put earlier when he held my hand? Where did this come from? I didn't know that there was a garden here with a blue rose plant, maybe I'll just ask Jas later or Justine or Ios, maybe they know.   But for now, I can't help but smile until I get home, I immediately pulled out my favorite book, and pinned the rose to my most favorite line here.     "Love is Façade, when it is young, but became genuine when it is a fully bloom rose."                                                                             ---     "For todays lesson, like what I said last time, we will be having a bitball, but before that let's do the  warm up for the freshies!"  I heard shouts from the students, as if it was the most excited part of their day, what's with the warm up or what?  "Since, we just have one freshy in this tempo class, let's call her, Letisha?" I immediately stood up upon hearing my name called in front.  I don't have any idea what the hell was going on, but because I was called in front, I'm forced to do so.  She handed me a paper and winked on me, which confused me, what was that for? "Let's hear what Letisha's going to say." the crowd got so quiet that I can almost hear my heartbeat, I hate being the center of attention, I hate crowd's eyes, I hate that someone knew I exist right in front of them.  I sighed deeply and glance at the paper in front of me, I give you this one to be able to survive your first day and your warm up, Levi. "To na dóseis ti dýnamí sou eínai na enkataleípseis ti zoí sou, na paléveis gia aftó pou agapás, giatí káthe Sachrianós eínai gennaíos kai tharraléos."  I said that loud and clear without any mistakes, since I clearly understood what this mean, but I don't know why I should say it now. I looked at my classmates, who's now in shock, "I-i" "WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" "SHE DID IT!!!!"  "WWWOOOOOOOWWW!!!" Our professor walk towards me, left in awe, and I have no damn idea why the hell did they are shouting right now. "You're a fool! Didn't you know that its a taboo? One wrong pronunciation of any word from that phrase then you are dead." My knees suddenly become like jelly knowing that what I read right now might end up becoming my last words. "But, I enjoyed it!" She said and gave me a thumbs up. What?
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