
Love is hidden in earring


True love story happened in a small city . There are two persons Niki and Angel. Niki is 16 year old, where Angel is 15 year old. These two are not living in same city . Niki lives in Mysore. Angel lives in karnataka. Niki meet Angel at Angel’s cousin wedding. Before wedding , Angel wore a pink and blue lehenga . Angel is flirting every side in wedding venue, when she was kidding with her friends , abruptly her anklets is stuck into her dress. She did not knew her anklet is struck into dress she ran and playing with friends . She fall down into the floor. Niki notice her and said , yey girl , your anklets is struck it in dress. Then she saw it and correct it. After 1 hour, Angel see Niki outside the wedding venue . Angel say thanks to Niki. for delivering that her anklets struck into her dress. Then both introduce their self. Niki says, he is the topper in his class and he said won a gold medal in every state level badminton sports competition. Angel says I am a average student in my class . Niki has one small brother his name is Rohan. Niki knows only hindi . Angel knows only English but she knew hindi little. So she feel very complex to speak hindi to Niki.

In Evening , outside the wedding venue Angel play with her friends. Niki see her and call Angel , she saw it and then invite Niki to her new house warming ceremony. But , Niki Said he is not able to come , my next state level bad minton competition next month , coaching is going on but I will try to come.. Evening around 6pm, Angel said bye to Niki, then Niki also said bye . Then Angel go to her home , but her one earring is missing she cannot to remember , where is her other earring to falled down . Her mother called and asked yey Angel, where is your other earring where are you lost it. She said to her mother, may that earring was fall down in the wedding venue . Then Angel said to her mother , I go to sleep; I feel tired now. Then he went to her room .

5Years passed, Angel and Niki cannot meet each other. One day, Angel college management conduct a tour in Mysore. Angel is not interested in this tour . She said to her class mam , I was not come to this tour . Mam said why ?? This was the final year tour Angel , after this tour you cannot see your friends so please try to come for this tour. Angel said ok mam I try to come and I ask permission to my parents for this tour. Angel visit the Mysore palace. In Mysore palace, Niki is also come to visit with his family. Angel and her friends flirting this palace. Angel is keen to observe the king and queen used clothes in their time. Few minutes later, Angel see her friends was not there. Angel feel so panic what to do ? My friends are where? How to I find them ? That time Niki saw Angel and call yey Angel ,how are you ??? How many years I was waiting for you ?? But Angel forget Niki , he said who are you ? Yey Angel , Are you lost your memory ?? we met each other in one wedding. Then Angel said Niki , you ! Sorry I forget it, many years passed so I could not remember you. Then Niki put hand in his shirt pocket and take Angel earring. Then he asked to Angel , this earring is yours ? Oh ! Yes Niki this is mine , I missed this earring in my cousin wedding. Thank you Niki , you preserved this earring for many years. This earring is very special to me, because my grand mother brought this earring in first birthday now she was dead . But it was the lucky one for me , I always kept this earring close to my heart. After hearing Angel words, Niki said I want to tell something important to you. Angel said , please tell fast . my friends and my college mam are searching me everywhere they got worried about me. where to I gone . OK cool Angel, I want to marry you; will you marry me ? What are you saying Niki ? OK cool Angel, I want to marry you; will you marry me ? What are you saying Niki ? We meet after 5 years , then you ask I marry you. Niki I was first meet you in your cousin wedding . I donot have any crush on you , but when I reach my home , then I go to change my dress I saw one earring in my pocket; I think whose earring is this how it will be come in my pocket. Later , I think about you I saw you in your cousin wedding , same earring you wear it. That day till now I preserved this earring. This earring is also very special to me also , I winning many gold medals in badminton because of your earring, then I think you will be the best match for me no one is perfect match for me than you. Niki asked, Angel do you not like me ? then Angel said noooo when I first you met you in my cousin wedding, I think that time you are best person for me. Sometimes I think about your first meeting, then I thought I donot see you again ; many years passed ; Then I calmed my mind. I tried to forget you. Then Niki and Angel propose ach other. Then Angel said ,come to my house, ask my parents opinion , after their decision we marry.

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Nikiand hisfamily came to Angel house
After 3 years, Niki came to Angel's house with her parents. Angel came and saidAfter 3 years , Niki was coming to Angel ‘s house with his parents. Angel come and said who are you ? What do you want from my house ? Niki said I want to marry your daughter . Angel mother got angry and tell are you came to correct house address , otherwise you forget the house address. Niki said aunty we will came to correct house address. My name is Niki. I met your daughter in one wedding. I am a software engineer in Mysore and I am a ceo of my company .Then Niki parents said our son is good person. He love your daughter so much and take care very well. Will you marry your daughter to my son. Then Angel mother called Angel father he came to house. Then Angel family accept Niki as their son -in -law. Then Angel mother call Angel , Angel came from room . Niki family accepted Angel as their daughter -in – law. Lwho are you ? What do you want from my house ? Niki said," I want to marry your daughter. Angel's mother gets angry and tells her you have come to the correct house address, otherwise you forget the house address. Niki said to Aunty, we would come to the correct house address. My name is Niki. I met your daughter at a wedding. I am a software engineer in Mysore, and I am the CEO of my company. Then Niki's parents said our son was a good person. He loves your daughter so much and takes care of her very well. Will you marry your daughter to my son? Then Angel's mother called Angel's father and he went to the house. Then the Angel family accepted Niki as their son-in-law. Then Angel's mother called Angel. Angel came from the room. Niki's family accepted Angel as their daughter -in – law.

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