Chapter 14 - R18+

1700 Words

Reyana felt the entire world spinning as the realization of who the bearer of the voice was came crashing down on her. Randall. His grip on her wrist tightened, sending a jolt of fear coursing through her veins. She could feel the heat of his body radiating behind her, his closeness suffocating her. "What are you doing here, Reyana?" His voice sliced through the tense silence, dripping with malice and accusation. "I... I..." Her voice wavered, her mind racing for an excuse to escape the suffocating atmosphere, "Klara asked me to bring your potion, Alpha. I'll be on my way now," She managed to stutter out through rasped breaths as she attempted to leave at once. Reyana still had her back pressed against the solid wall of Randall's chest, the mere thought of turning around to face him fi

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