Chapter 8

2030 Words

Aldric sat up on the bed, "A woman? In the woods?" "Yes, Aldric. She was no ordinary person." "What do you mean? Who was she and where was she from? Did she say something to you?" "She's from our pack. I never saw her face because she was well covered as if she was hiding something. She was hastily walking towards the border. She had a very dark energy, Aldric. She is a witch," Reyana explained. Aldric let out a slight chuckle, "Reya..." he fondled her messy hair, "Have you been having those nightmares again?" he smiled at her. "What have my nightmares got to do with this, Aldric?" She asked with furrowed brows. "Remember we found you unconscious in the woods? You must have had one of those nightmares when you were unconscious, making you think all you saw was real..." "Stop it, Ald

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