Chapter 51

1141 Words

Klara had administered some herbs to Reyana and she was now resting. The fever was gradually calming down, but it was a very slow process. "Tell me, Reyana," Klara started as she placed the Arcane bind on Reyana's wrist, "When will you open up and tell me all that's going on with you?" "There isn't much to tell, Klara. I'll be fine," she replied weakly, a small smile escaping her lips as the effect of the sleeping potion was beginning to take effect. "I feel something around you, Reyana... Something really strange and strong. I don't want to pry into your privacy, but I'd appreciate it if you see me as a friend and tell me what's going on with you. I am here to help..." Klara's voice gradually faded as Reyana let herself succumb to the warmth of the sleep that enveloped her. Klara watc

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