Chapter 10

2091 Words

The air crackled with tension as Reyana's heart hammered against her ribcage, her every breath coming out in shallow, ragged gasps. She could see the flicker of surprise in his green eyes. For a moment, time seemed to grind to a halt. Randall's world shrunk to a suffocating darkness as Reyana's words echoed through the caverns of his soul deep down the depths of his existence. Fear, anger, hurt, and pain intertwined in a suffocating embrace, constricting his chest with an iron grip as he felt a knot in his stomach. Reyana's boldness caught him off guard, her audacity piercing through the armor he had carefully crafted around his heart. He never expected her to reject him. Reyana felt fear sipping through the cracks of her fearless facade as Randall's silence and lack of expression sent

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