Chapter 88

1130 Words

A cold wind whipped through the clearing, tugging at Klara's cloak. A chill settled deep within her as Reagan finished his tale. "Are you certain about this?" Klara croaked when she finally found her voice after listening to the first prophecy about the Dark-eyed wolf, The revelation drained the color from her face, leaving her weak and trembling. "Yes, I am." Reagan replied, "My father told me everything... Everything no one else knew. Alpha Ranok, Randall's father, had confided in my father, his Beta. He said this was a long-hidden prophesy given to the Blood Moon Pack over 300 years ago." Klara felt her legs turning jelly as they couldn't carry her weight anymore. She slumped onto a moss-covered rock just beside her, listening to Reagan's tale. "When the Blood Moon pack had capture

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