41: Luna

1539 Words

I opened my eyes to find Selene staring down at me like maybe my face had the answers to all of life’s questions. I surged forward to kiss her, and it pushed Selene's fingers deeper into my p***y and I cried. “Goddess,” I said, falling back against the bed while clutching onto Selene's shoulders. “You can just call me Selene.” Selene jokes, a wry grin appearing on her lips making her look younger and just irresistible. I lost my laugh in a gasp, not believing the innocent little Selene who wouldn't stop blushing after having a wet dream is talking like that to me in bed. She is about to make me f*****g c*m with that sassy attitude of hers. Selene worked me and watched me like I was the only person in the world, and I wanted more. I unclasped my own bra that feels like a prison cell

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