107: Crew

1615 Words

As the soft light of morning filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room, I reluctantly stirred from the comfort of the bed where Selene lay soundly sleeping. With a lingering gaze, I watched her peaceful form for a moment, a surge of affection swelling within me as I marvelled at her serene beauty. I gazed upon Selene's sleeping form, a sense of awe washed over me, leaving me momentarily breathless in the presence of her ethereal beauty. She's always been the beautiful one right from the day I saw her in the woods carrying a small duffel. Her gorgeous curly red hair lay like a halo upon the white pillow, a fiery cascade of locks that seemed to shimmer in the soft morning light. Each curl framed her delicate features with a mesmerising grace, accentuating the deli

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