97: Selene

1554 Words

Balancing the weighty tray laden with an assortment of Luna's favorite breakfast delicacies, I made my way up the grand staircase towards the master bedroom. It had become a shared space, a sanctuary where the three of us had forged a fragile yet enduring bond, but yesterday Luna had expressed a desire for solitude. I wasn't happy she requested that but I had no other choice. I'm sure she is going to share what is going on with her when the time is right, for now I just have to wait for her to get things right. The whole meeting with Munro changed her perspective on lots of things. I can feel her longing but not exactly sure what she was longing for. I have placed a few missing puzzles in the game but haven't come to conclusion yet. I might be wrong. As I reached the top of the stairs,

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