104: Selene

1705 Words

As I rose from my chair, a sense of apprehension gnawed at my insides, mirrored by the apologetic smile I wore. It was a reflex, this outward display of contrition, but beneath the surface, my worry churned like a storm-tossed sea. Lilith is like a younger sister to me and anything that distressed her does the same to me. Crew, ever attuned to my emotions through the intricate web of our mind-link, would have felt it too, the faint tremors of unease that reverberated through our bond. I wish I could have stopped him from feeling my worry. I don't like that the smile has dropped from his face and Munro stopped eating midway sensing the tension in the air. I met his gaze briefly, offering a reassuring smile that I hoped would quell the rising tide of concern. Our connection, forged by th

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