Chapter 41

1527 Words

Hannah's POV I'm definitely not used to this mystical business that Sheilah has pulled me into. It's been only minutes since we successfully maneuvered Caleb into her living room, settling him into a rocking chair, unconscious and still bare. "Okay, Hannah. It's time to explore your witchy side." I involuntarily take a deep breath, observing as Sheilah extinguishes the already dim light in her living room, letting darkness take over. It's eerie, and I'm left blind. "Sheilah... um, what are we supposed to do without light?" My words hang in the darkness, unsure if she's even there. What if this is some elaborate prank, and she's already left the room? What if it's a ploy to distract me while she proceeds with her original plan? And what if Caleb wakes up? Damn! "Um... Are you there? Sh

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