Chapter 86

1989 Words

Hannah's POV How can I even begin to define shock? Because right now, I'm still reeling from it... Teleportation? Yeah, been there, done that. Remember the first time Janelle dragged me to Sheila's lair? My stomach felt like it was doing backflips, and I almost barfed – felt like I'd been hit by a freight train. But this? This is on a whole other level. I'm still processing how violently I was yanked from my nap in Luca's bedroom. Tina, that force of nature, practically hauled me here against my will. I've been toying with the idea of seeing my father, especially after that dream about my mother. But the way Tina whisked me away? It's like she's ringing the bell on my time for hospitality. It was terrifying, scratch that, it was bone-chilling. Because in my nap, I was dreaming the same

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