Chapter 17

1205 Words

Luca's POV I am aware of my unconscious state, detecting the malevolent aroma of a witch's herb and a myriad of gardens intertwined. Despite my awareness of the surroundings, I find myself immobilized in this profound slumber. A profound weight tugs at me, drawing me towards the earth, smothering me, gradually draining the essence of my life. It's as if I'm slowly losing my sense of self. Undoubtedly, it must be the demon, the malevolence that fused with my childhood wolf. Maybe it's time I engage in a conversation with it. In the most intricate recesses of my subconscious, a whisper emerges from my lips. "Hello." Silence lingered, its venomous claws sinking deep into my sanity, while unseen eyes observed my unraveling. "Hi" I declare once more, amplifying the volume in defiance, ant

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