Chapter 49

1238 Words

Luca's POV I awaken, trapped in a state between sleep and consciousness, each movement sending a searing jolt through my body. A groan escapes me, but at least Hannah's voice cuts through the haze, a beacon of familiarity in the chaos. I pry my eyelids open to find Jonathan's scowl inches from my face, surrounded by his hunters, their eyes filled with confusion as they assess me. "You should be dead," Jonathan sneers, his disdain palpable. "Don't tell me you're immune to our methods too..." "Haha, his heart is on the right," Caleb interjects with a mocking laugh, earning a glare from Jonathan. "It matters not. The silver's poison should have finished him," Jonathan asserts, arms folded confidently. "A few more arrows should do the trick. Hunters!" "Sir!" They respond sharply, arrows p

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