Chapter 14

1186 Words

Luca's POV I've never seen her look this beautiful since the night of her sixteenth birthday. The dress hugs her so perfectly that I'm tempted to rip it away, unveiling the wonder it encapsulates. "Hannah," I sigh painfully, especially noticing the terror in her gaze as she spots me. Just a moment ago, she stared at Tyrell with lust, and he had her heart racing—I could hear the rapid beats. Oh, I want to kill him for enchanting her. I want to claw out the eyes he uses to observe her in awe, and I want to whisk her away from here on my back. I want her to be my mate. "Hi, Hannah," I manage with a forced smile etched on my lips. She simply stares at me, unable to respond, the shock in her eyes shattering my heart into irreparable pieces. For a brief moment, I wish she would look at me the

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