Chapter 51

1371 Words

Luca's POV Just moments ago, Caleb and I were on the other side of the fence, but now we're cruising in his G-Wagon, me up front beside him and Sheilah and Tyrell in the backseat. I've been studying him intently ever since he commanded me into the car without explanation. Despite feeling weakened, I comply like a child, helping him usher Tyrell into the vehicle. "What's on your mind?" he breaks the silence, and I entertain the idea of pummeling him, but with him behind the wheel, that's not an option. "Nothing," I lie, holding back a torrent of expletives. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Spit it out. Call me every name in the book! Swear you'll end me once we reach our destination. But I assure you, by then it'll be too late. We're heading to Kristal's pack." "Kristal!" I gasp, horr

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