Chapter 25

1285 Words

Luca's POV Here I am, caught in the most embarrassing predicament of my existence. Remember that time when I thought my demon would teach the witch a lesson, not too harshly but enough to put her in her place? Well, the specifics elude me, but now I find myself clad in a tuxedo, perched in a rocking chair within Sheilah's living room. Confusion etches across my face like an unwelcome guest as I witness a stranger briskly entering. It appears this stranger has raced here with some urgency. "Is he up?" queries the stranger. The room is cloaked in darkness, rendering the stranger's features indiscernible. "Yes, he is. He's also prepared for the ceremony. Have they commenced?" Sheilah's voice, annoyingly hushed. Why does she irk me so? What on earth has she subjected me to? I can't even sen

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