Chapter 39

1337 Words

Luca's POV He's lying, undoubtedly concealing knowledge about Hannah's father. The rhythmic thud of his heartbeat reverberates through the room, a pulsating secret that I'm determined to unveil. Yet I wonder painfully what he is hiding. Why do I feel it's going to sound devastating? "What precisely transpired between you and your ex?" I press, staring daggers into him. "Jeez, let it rest!" Sheilah snaps in frustration. "We should be more concerned about the impending raid in less than twelve hours." "Right," Tyrell mumbles, relieved to escape my inquiries. However, I won't let it slide. He holds a piece of the puzzle about my girl, and I'm prepared to extract it, even if it means a confrontation. "I need to reach my brother first. I'll catch up with you guys shortly." He says with an u

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