Chapter Twenty-Six: Watch Your Back

1176 Words

Robyn I packed my bag for karate, thinking that I could just have Phoenix leave me at the post office, and I could find my own way from there, so I wouldn’t inconvenience him any further. I slung the large and heavy bag over my shoulder, hefted my water bottle, and headed for the garage where his huge truck was waiting. “Hey, all ready?” Phoenix gave me a disarming grin. He had changed into a polo shirt which stretched tight across his chest and squeezed his muscular arms. The buttons at the collar were undone, probably to accommodate his thick neck. I nodded in assent and walked over to the passenger side. He’d picked me up yesterday in this crazy truck, but I’d been too out of it to really appreciate it for the monstrosity that it was, with the oversize tires and the lift kit an

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