Chapter Eleven- Gabriel's POV

1130 Words
Ariel fell asleep on my shoulder after spending God knows how long crying. At first I felt her intense feeling of betrayal, but soon after I was swallowed by her feelings of hurt, sadness, loneliness and doubt. What I felt though was nothing compared to what she was feeling. The mate bond only allows me to feel a fraction of what she felt and the fraction I felt about brought me to my knees.  That Angel would soon see what it was like to be without wings. I'd rip them from his body for hurting her so much. The damn i***t couldn't go two days without his damned curiosity getting the better of him. I shook my head, he would soon be a dead Angel.  Anger was growing inside me, an anger so intense my entire being was trembling. So you can Imagine when Michael walked in beside a tall man with long blonde hair acting all buddy buddy sent me over the edge. He was extremely lucky I was holding my angel in my arms, but that was about to be remedied.  I stood up gently placing Ariel on the couch and kissed her on the forehead and in a flash I was in front of Michael pounding relentlessly into his face. "Do you know how much you hurt her? Do you know the pain she is in?" I whisper yelled. The blonde man effortlessly pulled me off Michael and restrained me. I thrashed in his grip.  "Calm yourself pup. I am Ariel's father."  My body immediately stiffened. I was being restrained by Lucifer and fear turned my blood cold. "Are you calm?" He asked. I decided to answer honestly "I am as calm as I can be. That bastard hurt her beyond comprehension." Lucifer let me go and looked at me.  "What do you mean?" He asked in a tight voice. All the comradery in his voice from earlier was gone.  "As a wolf, the mate bond allows us to feel a fraction of what our mate feels. It helps us know when our mate is in danger. Earlier Ariel's emotions nearly knocked me on my ass, and that was only a fraction of what she felt. Her emotions were swallowing her. Do you know what she was feeling Michael? Do you know anything?" I demanded.  Michael stared at me with a sad look "No." He said in a whisper.  "She felt completely betrayed, hurt, intense sadness, she felt overwhelming loneliness and such deep doubt she wondered if she made the right decision by giving the mate bond between all of us a chance. And before she cried herself to sleep on my shoulder she had been up in her room crying in a ball on the floor. The amount of pain you  caused her..."  My words hung in the air as I shook my head. "We can talk about this more later, I'm taking Ariel to bed."  Without another word I went and picked Ariel up and took her up to her room. Even in her sleep, her face was still scrunched up in pain and she groaned against my chest. I could feel her pain, it was worlds away from what she was feeling earlier. I smiled to myself as I lay her in her bed and covered her up. I never in my life imagined I would have cared for someone as much as I did for Ariel. I love this woman with everything in me and when I felt her pain, I lost it. I nearly killed my Beta to get to her. Thankfully he knew what was happening and quickly got out of the way. I'd have to apologize to him later.  Sighing deeply I softly kissed Ariel's cheek and made my way back down stairs. "How is she?" Lucifer asked, jumping off the couch.  "She is sleeping. Her pain is still there, but not as bad as she was." I replied, narrowing my eyes to Michael. The stupid bastard.  "Look Gabriel I'm sorry. I am older than you could possibly comprehend and my need to know got the best of me. I never meant to hurt her."  I growled at him "You didn't hurt her jackass, you nearly broke her." I seethed "And if you had just listened to her and waited until she was ready to tell us she never would have had to go through all of this."  Michael's eyes blazed "I KNOW OK?" Michael yelled. "I made a mistake, a terrible mistake. And I can't take it back no matter how much I want to. No matter how much I wish I had just gone home, I didn't."  I scoffed "Don't try to play the victim here Michael. Take responsibility for your actions for once."  Michael's spine straightened at my words as he nodded once before turning to Lucifer "With your permission, I'd like to stay and wait for Ariel to wake up and be here when she wakes up. I'd like to apologize to her again, try and make it up to her." He said.  Lucifer nodded stiffly and I sighed heavily "I'm going to go. There are things within the pack I have to handle. Lucifer if you would please have Ariel call me tomorrow the pack is looking forward to meeting their Luna and wish to throw her a party to welcome her to the pack. Regardless of if she wants to join or not she is still the Luna of my pack and she will be respected and treated as such."  Lucifer turned to me "Of course I will. But wolf, if you hurt her too, I won't kill you because it would hurt Ariel but I will take her away. I will take her back to hell, and time works differently there. Ten years there is twenty years here, you two would never see her again. And you wolf, her mother would kill you. I don't know if she has told you two about her mother or not yet, but she is not a wolf you'd want to mess around with."  I couldn't help the shock that jolted through me "I assure you, I have no intentions of hurting your daughter. I love Ariel, I would never be dumb enough to hurt her the way he has." I said tilting my head towards the Archangel.  "Very well, be on your way."  I nodded politely at him "It was nice to meet you Lucifer. Michael, don't hurt her again." I said as I walked out the door. I went back to the pack house with thoughts full of Ariel and how much I truly did love her, and how I would do anything to keep her safe and happy, even if I just met her.
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