
1989 Words
Bellamy The entire packhouse is abuzz when I walk into the dining hall for breakfast. I catch little snippets until one sentence stops my blood cold. “….an attack at the Beta’s house. Can’t believe they got past him.” I nearly drop the plate I hold. Axton! Adira whimpers and I struggle to hear over her. “….killed his mate. Clawed him up good. Maybe if his sons were there it might have helped.” My entire body almost sags in relief. It wasn’t Axton and Evan. Which means Reyanne is dead from what she just said. As I eat, I hear almost the whole story. They were attacked in the middle of the night and Xavier was injured and sedated now in the hospital. Reyanne was killed. I struggle to muster any sympathy for her. I need to get to Axton and check on them but I should find out where he is first. “Just heard the news. Where are you?” “Dad’s house. Looking at things.” I walk out and take off at a slow jog. He’s waiting on the porch when I come out. “Is he ok?” “Had to be sedated. Started going a bit feral. He’s still sleeping.” “Any idea who did it?” “Dad said some unknown guy who smelled like mint and bananas.” “Weird combo.” “Two different people possibly. One smells like mint and he’s Reyanne’s side piece, Oliver Yarrow. Banana man is his brother Trent Yarrow. I smelled no bananas or mint last night by the time we arrived.” I gape at him in shock. “Bells come sit down. I need to talk to you.” He takes a deep breath. “This is about to be information overload but I need help and answers fast.” He starts talking and I almost fall off the step. “Bells I know you are a hybrid. I know you are going to start coming into your abilities. Mimi is a full blown fairy with a fake wolf.” “Axton how?” “You told me. I know it sounds crazy but Bellamy, I want to take you on a date. I have feelings for you. Always have. Would you go to dinner with me tonight?” “You’re serious? When did I tell you all of this?” My head should be spinning but strangely it isn’t. “You told me in the dream; it was part of your gift.” I stare at him unable to believe this. I did have a dream where I told him everything. Maybe this is one too. Might as well go for it then. “Yes I’d really love to go on a date with you.” His slow smile warms me from head to toe. “Perfect. I’ll come meet you outside the packhouse at six.” I agree. “I’ll be ready.” Overcome with so much emotion, I lean forward and press my lips to his. He seems shocked at first and I go to back away when his hands reach up cupping my face and he kisses me back. As he kisses me, I see a burning cabin. I am maybe thirty feet away from it. I hear snarling and then a man begins backing out of the front door. He is shaking his head and so intent on what’s before him that he misses the steps and falls to the ground. A woman runs inside screaming for someone named Harlan. She emerges moments later running over to a bag and rifling through it furiously. Her small sound of triumph as she holds up a knife is almost drowned out by the sudden sound of part of the cabin roof collapsing. She raced toward the door but the flames are taking over. I can feel the heat from where I stand. She backs away and runs around toward the back. I follow her. She stops as she plows into the man who fled. He stands watching the burning building. She shouts at him and he grabs her arms. I watch her break free of his hold running for the back porch. She emerges five minutes later her clothes singed. She turns back to watch the burning building. I can sense her fear as she watches the building collapse. She still holds the knife. The man walks over to pull her farther away from the fire. “Tamia let’s go.” She is unyielding though until she suddenly turns and stabs him in the neck. “You will be cursed Harlan Adams! And I will not suffer the Goddess’s wrath with you.” Her claws extend and while he stumbles backwards struggling to stay upright, she steps closer and stabs them into his heart. He falls and she screams in pain. Clutching her chest with her bloody hand, she howls tears falling from her eyes. He was her mate. Suddenly the scenery shifts and we are sitting beneath golden leaf trees. I see a small boy with black hair and silver eyes. Axton. It’s him. He is hiding looking scared. He can’t be more than three maybe four. He gazes around warily holding his hand over his mouth. The fierce sound of a battle nearby with snarling and howling. A woman’s deep raspy voice says sounding far away telling someone goodbye. “I failed you, Sylvan Stone. I could never truly forget you. Forgive me. Goodbye my love.” She sobs quietly far away. I try to see her but cannot in the thick foliage. Axton drops his hand to gaze that way curiously. He turns back when someone gently ruffles his hair. Another woman with blonde hair holds a small boy that must be Evan by his looks. “Where is Xavier?” Then a woman resembling Axton’s mother speaks gently next to him. She had ruffled his hair. “Clearing the packhouse I hope. Axton, your bear. Let’s run home and get your bear. We can hide in the house.” He nods fearfully but takes off running. As they run, she screams after him. I see him turning toward her and the blonde woman as the rogue wolf behind him leaps. “Axton! Your bear! Grab him and hide! Go! Don’t forget.” With those words, Axton stumbles back in real life. I stare at him wondering if he saw those visions too. His breathing is labored and his pulse is galloping. “Bells did you see all of that?” I bite my lip nodding. “Was that your mother?” “Yes, I think that was the attack she died in. Guess I’ll be researching later about who Sylvan Stone is that woman was talking about. Axton After those buried memories surfaced during that kiss, I know I’ll need to talk to Dad. “Could he be family? He has the same last name as you.” She muses. “Maybe. Dad didn’t have any siblings. I’ll look at the council records.” “What was with your bear?” “Apparently I was so attached to it, they could use it to convince me to do anything from the age of 2 until about 6; don’t remember myself.” “I need to get back. My uncle is linking me. See you tonight if you’re sure.” She hesitates and I reach over to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Very sure.” She leaves and I sit down on the porch gazing at the photos I took last night. I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it. Phoenix grumbles as he shares my opinion. I try to access the council records when I head home but the site is offline for scheduled maintenance. I groan in frustration. I wanted to read about Harlan and Tamia also. Now I know who killed him. I go check on Dad. Evan meets me there. He’ll come back and stay with him tonight since I was here last night. Doc says he had to sedate him again when he woke and started throwing things. “You think someone snuck into the pack and killed her? Or is it someone here? I mean if she’s cheating on Dad….” Evan asks on the way home. “No the person who killed her is here.” I tell him with certainty. “You seem very sure of that.” He stares at me. “When I confirm it, you’ll be the first to know.” I leave him to take Bellamy on our picnic. She tells me more about her mom and Mimi’s abilities. I get no new memories or visions when I kiss her goodnight. I head for home and pause outside the door. I had hoped he would be here. I smell him tonight. Very faint. I open the door slowly. “Hi Trent. No smoking in here.” A low chuckle greets me from the corner of the dark living room. “Your senses work well Axton.” I kick the door shut and turn on the lamp. He sits on the couch already. “How long have you been skulking around our pack?” “Now that’s downright insulting. I do not skulk. I move in shadows.” “You sent me a text last night.” I offer him coffee and he accepts this time. “I did. I saw you at your father’s last night. You called Ari that warrior and said Evan needs help. He does but I’m afraid I was a bit late to the party for that.” He takes the mug from me adding cream and sugar. I note how much for possibly a next timeline. “Do you have another target in this pack?” He grins slowly. “Do you even need to ask questions? Seems you know everything already. You survived the fire. I thought you were dead for a while. My mother too surprisingly.” He talks about his mother and her being a half witch hybrid. “I met your brother yesterday. He was quite smug.” His face hardens and I wonder if I got it wrong. “Yes, Oliver is a smug conceited bastard. Was he done f*****g Reyanne when you saw him?” His eyes study me. “You know…yes I found them in the house. Then followed him out. He said he was delivering herbs to my father from your mom.” He nods. “He’s not lying. Your father is that woman’s longest running customer.” “What kind of herbs?” “Finally asking the good questions. I’m not a hundred percent certain but I can find out.” “Did you see who killed Reyanne?” Now he smirks. “Not see but I heard them.” “It was my father wasn’t it?” His eyes widen. “Axton Stone is not so innocent after all. Yes they had a fight about her fidelity, a rejection,and something about you but I couldn’t hear it all. I intended to end her, freeing you and Evan along with my ass of a brother.” Those claw marks on his chest would fit Reyanne’s hand size. I was hoping to be wrong. “Am I your paid target?” “Yes but I don’t intend to kill you. I intend to find out who wants you dead and end them. A favor for my old friend who saved me.” “You have suspicions about those herbs.” “I do. Want to hear them?” He c***s an eyebrow. “You need to ask?” He chuckles. “I believe they suppress childhood memories, one of her specialties. And I am guessing your father has been feeding them to you for a long time since you forgot about me and that pupnapping.”
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