The Feeling Is....Mutual

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Bellamy A little less than three weeks to go until my birthday. Mimi will begin teaching me more about possible abilities I may have once they begin to manifest. It’s not actually known as ‘your sparkle’ but that’s what Mimi always called it. I’ve read every book I thought about what could happen but today she brought me another one to read. It’s huge and very old. I think over her words as I open it to the first page. “You should have time to read this before you leave in two weeks for your uncle’s pack. This contains every ancient fairy ability and legend there is. Some are so old we aren’t even sure they are true anymore. But as you are the first hybrid in over a hundred years, I have no idea what we should expect with you.” Good thing I like to read I think as I see the small print. At least there are illustrations too. I skim through a few chapters before I hear the alarm go off. Time for training. I make my way to the large gym that is reserved for Alpha training. Dad did that so I could be trained well but it not be common knowledge. Again his fear of the hunters drove that. It is smart in some ways. They won’t send their most elite if they believe I am a weak spoiled Alpha daughter. I step in finding our head warrior, Edward, stretching. “Morning Bellamy. You ready to kick my ass today?” He chuckles. I laugh in return. Edward is massive at six five and over two hundred pounds. I am five nine and while muscular, I am nothing compared to him. My strengths lie in evasion and slipping out of holds. Edward has taught me tons of ways to escape bindings, ropes, handcuffs even. If they are silver that might lead to problems but a girl can hope right? After stretching, we square off. I manage to get quite a few kicks and hits in. Once he’s exhausted me that way, he sets me up on the treadmill. Running speed and stamina is my goal there. Survivalist training is basically what I do five days a week. Edward has some new escape tricks he wants to reach me today. After a few hours, he declares he’s satisfied and I guzzle down a bottle of water, desperate for a hot shower. “Good job Bells. I hope you’ll never need to use these skills but you are damn good at them.” I smile tiredly. “Thanks Edward. The feeling is definitely mutual there.” “When you travel see if you can spar with your cousin Lae or that huge six foot six Beta of his, Axton. Would make good practice to have new partners.” My pulse leaps at the mention of Axton. “Will do.” I reply simply and thank him before heading back to my room. Yeah sparring with Axton might not be the best idea for me…. Axton Evan and I were out of the house early. I intend to ask Alpha Jacob if we could move into the packhouse or if I could look at one of the empty small cottages and Evan can come with me. My father is going to be pissed but I don’t care. Not like I can’t take him in a fight now though he won’t admit that. “Meet me by the packhouse after you’re done for the day. Don’t go home alone.” I tell him as we separate. He nods jogging over to the second training field. If I was mated, life would be simpler. I’d already be living on my own and Evan could have moved in with us. I turned twenty last year so I should be able to find my mate any day. But no luck yet. I had hoped my mate would be found soon after but that was dashed quickly on my birthday. My dad for once had gone all out for me with a huge packwide party. “Not everyday the future Beta of this pack can find his mate.” He’d looked so pleased with his efforts. I had been shocked and almost wondered if I would show up for it to have been a joke. But everyone had been there and at the end of the night no mate. My father doesn’t believe in useless fluff like that normally. I sigh shaking my head and head off to set up for training. Shortly after lunch, I knock on Alpha’s door. It opens and Alpha Jacob Cortland ushers me inside with a smile. “Axton good to see you! What can I do for you?” He’s a tall muscular Alpha at six three with dark brown hair and light blue eyes like Lane and his brother. “Alpha, I wanted to ask if there would be a room available here in the packhouse for Evan and I to move into or maybe even one of the small cabins or cottages.” “I could definitely arrange that. Have you mentioned it to your father?” I meet his eyes. He knows my father and I never see eye to eye. The man has always favored my brother no matter what I did. Luckily Evan and I get along and he thinks my dad’s attitude is bullshit. “No Alpha but we are of age to be allowed to move out. Per the pack rules, it’s eighteen.” “Why do you want to move out Axton?” His eyes are sharp and I know he suspects. “Alpha we are adults and need a little more freedom. Also, Dad and Reyanne only discovered themselves as mates four years ago. They never really got alone time and they deserve that.” Saying that almost gags me. He nods his smile dimming a bit. I wonder if I imagined that mutual spasm of disgust that passes over his face. “Why don’t you two come stay here for a few days and I’ll show you a two bedroom cabin that’s empty? You can decide after you try both. Tell Reyanne I invited you. And Axton…let me know if you have any issues son.” “I really appreciate that Alpha. We’ll be here tonight.” I leave knowing already I want the cabin. The packhouse is always crowded and Dad’s office is here meaning he would be in our business all day long. But I’ll let Evan choose. This move is largely for his benefit. I link my brother. “Staying at the packhouse tonight. Meet me at home in thirty minutes.” “Awesome. Thanks Ax.” Now to tell Reyanne. I steel myself taking a deep breath when we walk in. Yet another short tight dress. Her face lights up as Evan walks in. Then she notices me a few steps behind and the smile drops away. “We’re staying at the packhouse for a few nights Reyanne. Working on some things there.” She stares at Evan her mouth thinning in a disapproving line “your father won’t be happy you left me all alone with him home. Besides, I like when you are in the house.” Her hand touches Evan’s arm and he moves away. “I am well aware of that and we wouldn’t dare do that to you. That’s why your cousin, Sardis, is coming to stay. His house is being painted so him and his mate will come here till dad gets back.” I tell her keeping my tone friendly. I want to crush her hand and throw her across the room. I nudge Evan. “Let’s go pack. Don’t want to keep Alpha Jacob waiting.” It’s a calculated sentence to get Reyanne to back off.
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