A Beginning....Or An Ending?

1265 Words
Axton Stone Blood everywhere. My nose wrinkles in protest. That awful stench when it has been left to sit slowly leaving the dead bodies of all the warriors. I think I probably killed most of them in the first fit of rage I had before they realized it was me. Then that coward had refused to come out when I challenged him. Instead he hid behind his safe room walls and had them shoot me with a poisoned arrow. Came out acting like he never heard my call for him to fight me or lose his pack and his mate. The Opulence Pack….nothing opulent about it right now. At least they put out the fire without haste. Nothing like burnt flesh to kill your olfactory sanity. I stand on the platform waiting for him. The gathered crowd does too. Half are fearful and the other half stunned. If they only knew the hell their lives were going to be had we not intervened. Course that really doesn’t matter now as I wait to die. I want to laugh at the fact it takes five warriors AND his Beta to hold me here. They couldn’t find the other pair of silver chains and handcuffs. Helps that I hid them away yesterday. Wasn’t going through that torture again. The Beta could tell them where the other pair is; probably still on the poor female he has locked away in his secret room. Sick sadistic motherfucker. But I suppose he needs them more for her than to help restrain me. I catch sight of my best friend, Corbin’s glassy lifeless eyes and regret fills my soul. Watching him die had not been easy. This damn Beta killed him and I wish I could reach out and snap his neck like a twig. He’d taken pleasure in it, making sure I witnessed it. I should have never dragged him into this. His cold voice intrudes on my moment of mourning and thirst for revenge. “I see you have him ready for his execution.” I narrow my eyes and growl at him. He flashes that huge white smile. “Testy asshole, aren’t you? Tell me, do you have any last words for the crowd?” I ignore him knowing it deflates his ego. It’s bigger than the universe. “Everyone, it is time to end the life of Axton Stone who came trying to destroy our pack and steal your Luna. He has nothing to say it seems.” With that he steps closer whispering “she’s a fast learner you know. Just think, you failed and I’ll get to….train her how I wish because you were unsuccessful.” I watch those cold blue eyes stare at me, the hope in them that he’s provoked me shining through. I hold his eyes but no flicker of emotion passes over my features for his satisfaction. I tilt my chin up and speak with authority. “Go on then, get rid of me.” He looks surprised but then I see his claws lengthen as his anger washes over me. His aura is weaker than mine. Pathetic Alpha. I goad him affixing a cocky sneer to my face. “Come on Allllpppphhhhaaa. Show your people how powerful you are. I haven’t got all day to wait on your grandstanding.” My wolf almost chuckles at my defiance. He’s not looking forward to allowing this guy to kill us basically but we lost today. “Goodbye Axton. Burn in hell.” Pain crashes over me as his claws slice through my neck, then darkness, cold unending darkness. I don’t panic as I allow it to envelop me taking deep breaths and reassuring myself. But not for long. See he didn’t know one thing when he imparted that wish for my eternal slumber. I won’t die. The darkness begins to ebb giving me a moment of relief. I worried this time it would stick and Corbin would be dead also. I wake with a gasp and quickly look around. I’m back in my bed. I check my phone and see the date. One week prior to the day I just lived through. You see that was my third death at his hands. I am hoping that I don’t have to witness a fourth one. I’ve been reliving the same week for the last month now. Bellamy Cortland I pant as I struggle to breathe. Indescribable pain had hit me knocking me down. It felt so familiar like I’ve experienced it before. The vague memory in my mind won’t come forward as I remain motionless and desperately try to remember. This is always my problem. Déjà vu strikes me so often especially in the last few weeks. Finally coming completely back to my surroundings, I find myself near the window on my hands and knees. I stand slowly hoping no one heard my screams. What was that? I need to talk to my grandmother, Morgellana. Hopefully she’s back from her travels or will be soon. I can’t tell Dad. He won’t understand and will simply tell me to get it under control so no one finds out our secrets. He worries so much and it pains me physically to see it. I can always tell he’s terrified I will meet the same fate as my mother. I have no way to assuage those fears for him. We’re going to visit my Uncle Jacob's pack this weekend, Cold Spring Pack. I stand shakily to finish packing for our trip. I look forward to this every six weeks. There is a certain freedom for me in that pack. Growing up the only daughter of the Alpha has been incredibly lonely for me. Our Beta had two boys, one of whom found out he was mated to an Alpha’s daughter two years ago and moved to become Alpha there. They were both older than me. Mom and Dad stumbled upon each other in Dad’s mid-twenties. He had searched for his mate for years and happened to find her when he visited a human town when his phone had stopped working. He met her in a bakery she owned, Sparkle’s Creations. I can’t wait to see my best friends, Axton and Evan Stone. They are the sons of Uncle Jacob’s Beta, Xavier Stone. I don’t care much for him. He gives me a cold vibe but his boys took me under their wing when I first met them on a pack visit. They weren’t born there; only moving after my uncle offered them a new home. One not shrouded in tragedy and pain. I turn twenty-one this next weekend and Dad wanted me to have my party with family and friends. I really don’t have any in this pack. There are only a few girls around my age and while we speak and are friendly, we’ve never truly hit it off. I like to read and sew not party or go out and ogle the shirtless warriors like they all seem to. Though with the newer mate bond laws King Leonard passed, they should be more careful nothing occurs beyond ogling. The penalty is death and from what I understand he and his son meant it. Not to mention Luna Ellie. Her wolf or her mate’s, Alpha Riley, could judge you over the phone is the rumor. Dad and Uncle Jacob are all excited that I could meet my mate at this party. I hope not. I’m honestly not ready to meet him. I’d be fine with it taking me another year or two to find him……
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