Fairy Flutters

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Bellamy After Axton took me to dinner tonight, he kissed me again but no memories or visions surfaced this time. At least nothing for him….I however saw myself running in a dark gray stone castle. The corridors stretched endlessly before me and it appeared I made no progress as I ran. Then suddenly it all changed. The walls and stone flooring fracturing as I stood helplessly waiting to fall into the black void. I closed my eyes in the vision from the fear. When I opened them, I stood in the forest gazing down at a tombstone. Sylvan Stone But then it morphed into Axton’s name. The date of his death inscribed as two days after my birthday. I hit my knees unable to breathe at all as I read it. Is this the future? Adira grumbles in my head but I cannot hear her. I opened my eyes when Axton ran his fingers across my cheek. “Bells, you ok?” “Yes, are you?” He smiled and said “Always when I’m with you.” Which told me he saw nothing. Now I’m in my room at the packhouse staring at the ceiling as I lay on the bed. “Adira, I’m tired of these half visions and no explanations.” “Are you ready to be able to access it all though Bellamy?” “What…what do you mean Adira?” Has she been holding back. She sighs and I worry. “Being a hybrid is not easy. And a fairy’s gifts are taxing sometimes. They will leave you out of commission depending on the power and how long you’ve had to master it, control it and understand what it physically can do to you. For instance, remember in that book Mimi gave us about the rarest abilities, it talked about how the Fairy Queen, Imeldene, would be unconscious for a week after using her healing abilities for too long?” “Yes, I do. Are you saying that I can do more but you think I’m not ready?” “I’m saying your mind is protecting us from what you are capable of. You can push it but be aware it may leave us vulnerable or it may take you out of commission for a while.” I mull that over and decide to push it. I want to know about Axton dying. “How do we do this Adira since I’m not touching him?” “Go back to the vision in your mind. Sink into it fully. Make sure nothing can distract us.” I turn my phone off and go make sure the door is locked before I lay down again. I find myself in the castle running again. I can hear my footsteps echoing off the hard rock. When it all falls away this time, I move closer to the headstone. Axton’s name appears and I trace over his name with my fingers. Someone appears behind me. “Shame he had to go and challenge me and die so easily.” I turn and find a tall blonde man I’ve seen in a dream before. “Come my pet. It’s time to go take your place as the Luna.” I cannot speak in this vision it seems. He grips my wrist and pulls me away from the grave. As I go to look back upon it, he grips my chin forcing me to face him. “No he is in the past! You will not waste a single thought, tear or breath upon Axton Stone! I AM YOUR MATE!” His eyes are blazing and I am so shocked I let him lead me away. He walks to a stage and we ascend to the top. “Opulence Pack, I present to you, your Luna. Bellamy Cortland who will become Bellamy Dilberg this evening. She will take her oath now.” I feel him slice my thumb and stare down at my blood flowing. “Ready my pet? Repeat after me. I, Bellamy Cortland, accept to be Alpha Tylen Dilberg’s Luna.” I manage to pull away and continue backing up as he stalks toward me. “Now my pet, do not run from me. I get a bit angry when a woman makes me wait.” I step back faster and lose my footing. As I start falling, I scream seeing his face above me. Refusing to leave yet, I let myself fall with Adira whispering words of encouragement to keep going. I watch in horror as at my birthday party, he claims me as his mate. Him forcing me to go home with him while Axton is injured. Wait how did he get injured? It moves along in a blur until I see myself texting Axton for help. And I watch in horror as he dies on the training field. He challenged Tylen for me but that bastard cheated killing him. I scream internally as I watch it. I’m standing before his grave again but this time it’s not his name. It says Grace Stone. His mother’s name. That’s the last thing I see before it all fades to black. When I surface again, it’s morning. I passed out I guess. “Yes that was a lot. I told you we have to be careful.” Adira says sleepily. “I’m still tired.” “Was there more and I couldn’t keep going?” “Yes but probably not that same vision.” “Why couldn’t I speak?” “Because you were reliving a vision, not seeing a memory like in that field or when you saw Axton’s. It’s like remembering a dream. And while you were seeing it as you lived it before, you couldn’t change the actions or words said.” “We need to talk to Mimi. Why are we having so many visions about Axton?” “Because Bellamy, our soul is connected to him. Now that you are opening yourself up to your fairy abilities completely, that part of our soul is reacting even more. Bellamy you need to listen to me very carefully. Axton is part of us. I feel it fluttering through us anytime he is near. But only with our fairy senses. Not mine. Something is wrong and off. I cannot explain. I think Mimi knows though.” “Then we go talk to her now.” I am tired to sitting back passively especially since I’ve now seen Axton die. I hurry to shower and change. It’s extremely early, not even time for breakfast as I walk out. I am raising my hand to knock when Mimi opens the door and yanks me in. “Bellamy have you looked in a mirror?” She hisses and I shake my head. She propels me forward to the one in her bathroom. I stare at my face in shock seeing my eyes glowing softly. “Mimi what….” “You have fully awakened your fairy abilities. How?” “Adira told me I could relive a vision and finish it. Or at least as long as my body and mind would hold out.” I tell her what I saw and everything that happened yesterday and last night. “Adira says you are connected….and do you feel stronger when he’s around? Like you could float almost?” I nod surprised. “I thought that was me being cheesy because of my feelings for him.” She mutters and then pulls out her little beaded bag. The one she keeps her most special little elixirs in. I stare at it. Anyone who is not a fairy will see an empty inside. Only fairies can see the small vials. “I need your hand.” I hold it out and she drops something yellow in the middle of it. I watch it seep into my skin and then it bursts out in the shape of a flame before disappearing. “Some type of block but could it be…” She mutters. “What Mimi? I need to know what you see. What did that flame mean?” Her eyes are troubled as she looks at me. “The half of your soul that is a fairy has accepted Axton as your mate. For some reason Adira does not feel that at all. I am beginning to wonder if the Moon Goddess is playing with you. Because she controls this as your wolf is the Alpha side of you. Your fairy side though….it cannot be touched by her. That flame proves your fairy abilities believe Axton to be your true mate. Those weird flutters are the recognition a fairy gets when her mate is nearby.” My heart pounds with excitedly. “Then…then I can just ask Axton to be my mate. Right?” She shakes her head slowly. “No because Adira will not recognize it. You will have a mate she recognizes and claims. There is something wrong here Bellamy. You cannot have two mates as you are a hybrid not two souls but one blended. Something has caused the Moon Goddess to choose a different mate for you two. The question is what is it and is it what is supposed to be?” “Like dark magic interfering.” “No Bellamy, like the Moon Goddess interfering.”
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